I'm not very far in the game yet, but so far it's been a pretty cool experience. Haven't experienced anything past minor, annoying-but-easily-ignorable glitches so far. We'll see how I feel if I hit a game breaker.
(I should add I'm on PC, although not a super powerful rig. Ryzen 3600/GTX 1660 Super)
Overall while the world is lacking many promised features (and feels far "emptier" than CDPR made it seem in promotional material as a result), there's an excellent core here in the main and side quests thus far.
While CDPR deserves a ton of flak for what they've done with this launch....once they iron out the issues that they should have had another half a year to iron out (at minimum), I think we'll have a real gem on our hands. Hopefully they do it without "pulling a 76" and putting in cash shops and/or DLC ahead of actually fixing the game.
If you're thinking of purchasing it for PC, I'd recommend you don't unless you are the type to play Early Access games.
It essentially has the shell of a very Early Access game, but the core of a finished one.
With Sony delisting the game, I'd hold off on consoles obviously.
"Literally mind-blowing" is saying that the game is actually killing people who play it
Nah, that would be "literally brain-blowing".
However, if you consider the seizure issues, it might be more on the nose than originally planned in the review....