Man, this is why I avoid hype trains as much as possible. I've been intrigued by this game for as long as I've known of its existence, but I never dipped into learning more about it beyond the basics.
This is definitely the first time in my life where I decided to pick up the PC version of a game on a whim and was rewarded for it. It's still glitchy as hell, but all of my glitches have been minor (though plenty immersion-breaking) and I haven't had any issues with crashing and the game runs surprisingly well on my new-ish system (built for editing with a modest 1660 thrown in, so it doesn't look much better than the console versions, but it's relatively smooth and I crash-free).
Considering how little I knew about the game going in, I still feel like a lot of what I was expecting either isn't here or isn't nearly as impressive as hyped (the character creator was not nearly as impressive as I was expecting for one). I definitely understand the anger, especially for those playing on console. I "lucked out" with that last delay...I only went PC because I got a new monitor early for Christmas.
Two games that took forever to develop dead-set on being the 'game of the generation' released this year, neither of which are going to really be in the conversation for the title. How poorly this game runs on base PS4/Xbones is inexcusable for a game that set itself up to be the game of the generation since before the generation even began...I mean...what is the point of the wanted system if the cops have no pursuit AI? This has to be one of the most poorly-managed games I've come across in a long much time spent on stupid details while elements that have been in games since the 90s are just absent. It's a bit like a movie set. Everything looks impressive until you take a step in a different direction and realize it's all a set held up by wood and nails. To say the least, the time spent on some superfluous details should have been spent actually making this work in-game.
Thing is...I'm still kinda enjoying it because I stayed away from the hype and wasn't expecting a 10/10 game. This game being an 8/10 wouldn't be the worst thing in the world to me and that's what my experiences with it have been (I'm still very early and have spent more time dicking around than doing missions so far), but if I was all-in expecting a transformative experience, especially on the hardware not even out when this was originally announced...