Maybe Coyotes fans could buy tickets and merchandise, as well as sit and watch.
Perhaps the fans who already do that are great supporters and everything, but the absence of even greater fan support must have some role to play here?
Nah. We can see from other markets that when there's headlines about ownership debacles, attendance craters, regardless of "the market."
For example, the Stars lost 4000 fans per game when Tom Hicks used bankruptcy to re-organize his debt after buying Liverpool. The health of the Stars was never in question, but fans don't really get that from the headlines.
When ownership debacles hit the papers, fans stay away like the franchise just announced it has leprosy.
And for about the 2000th time, we have data as evidence that the concept of "the market" doesn't really exist and is dumb: We had a Top 3 revenue team, Bottom 3 revenue team, and Middle 3 revenue team... in the same market for like 30 years. The Islanders were in a very similar situation as the Coyotes -- just not quite as bad -- with a series of owners who either didn't want the team or were nightmares, needing a new permanent home for 20 years and playing in multiple, undersized venues until a legitimate solution was found.
Look at the Coyotes year-by-year attendance compared to their place in the standings. There's basically zero correlation since the Moyes bankruptcy. In the first year with a new owner and a lease agreement, a completely terrible team drew better crowds than when the Coyotes were a good playoff team in a season that was clouded by ownership and arena questions.
The Coyotes have just never had a legitimate NHL arena that serves their entire market and stable ownership at the same time.
Just being in the bottom third of stats like attendance and revenue is totally fine, because someone has to be. No one ever talks about Buffalo and St. Louis, but they've been in the top half of revenue in the NHL like maybe never (?). They're almost always in the bottom third of revenue. But they've had the holy trinity of "owner, arena and lease" for the last 40 years or so, so no one's really talked about moving them since the early 80s.