Even then it doesn't really mean squat because for his own reasons, Alex Meruelo wants to own a team in Arizona.... period.
This is the part that always amuses me on and off of the HFBoards. Like......do people think Gary Bettman just calls owners and says "y'know, you own this team and are trying to make it work, but I don't like the NHL in Arizona any more so I'm forcing you to move!" Like........it so doesn't work that way.
LOL, the only thing you're right about is "root." You in turn f***ed up on "favourite," which only serves to show your origin and thus lack of understanding.
You're taking my statement's bravado far too literally. I'm not entitled to anything, the game is.
How will the nutless, puking excuses watch their hero's, if no one ever assimilates and their new home's team leaves their new community? What good does their old team do for their new community? It will do nothing, should their old team no longer come here twice a regular season. Their presence annoys the die hard sth and the casual fan alike, many don't return, even those that have been sth's for years. Personally, I enjoy seeing them leave after having lost it's akin to having a team in the desert that so many canadians feel entitled to.
1-- I didn't f*** up anything spelling "favourite." I'm a Canadian who's lived in the States for 20+ years and am in no way trying to obscure this fact.
2-- I am taking it a little literally because it strikes me as.....silly. Like...you seem to think these people are dying to be Coyotes fans but don't have the courage to. It's hilarious.
3-- Who says they want to watch their heroes in person? Why are you speaking for them?
4-- "What good does their old team do for their new community?" My man, this is pro sports. These people make six or seven figures. A lot of organizations that you (and 100% disclosure, also me) do not lift a finger to help do more for a community than a pro sports team. Let's not get dramatic. How many literary readings do you go to to support your arts community? How many fundraisers do you go to to support assorted charities in your area? etc. etc. (And this isn't me trying to guilt you about it but quite the opposite, I don't correlate any of it to courage etc. because that's ridiculous).
5-- But to your "What good..." question as it relates to this:
THIS IS HOW PRO SPORTS FANS ARE EVERYWHERE IN THE KNOWN UNIVERSE AND IT ISN'T EVER GOING TO CHANGE. Yelling at them for being "nutless pukes" doesn't make the Arizona Coyotes cool or fun to support. It makes it look like a poverty franchise with an old cranky windbag who's no fun to hang out with as its #1 fan.
6-- You sound like a crying blaming whiner when you talk about "fans of the other team" driving other potential fans away. The job of a good owner is to make their team (not just the sport, but the whole team and its brand) cool. Do you think Phoenix, AZ is the only market that has to deal with away fans? My dude, seriously, get your feet out there and "touch grass" to use the modern metaphor.
7-- Would you rather those "fans of the other team" not buy tickets at all? So rather than a half-empty building where half the fans are for the other team, you want a 75% empty building with *ONLY* fans of the home team?
8-- To reiterate points 5 & 6....... I would not want you as the Arizona Coyotes' mouthpiece. It wouldn't make the franchise an iota more popular.
9-- And for all your whining about "lack of understanding," it sounds like you don't want to understand your resident transplants. You want them to shut up, get in line with how you think and "assimilate." Way to try to win over their hearts and minds.
But you never
had to (and I'm bolding "had to" for a reason) leave America for a job elsewhere. So you, my friend