H1N1 did get media hype, not quite to this extent but it absolutely did. H1N1 infected probably a quarter of the global population, but only had a mortality rate around .02.
Over the 2 years from 2008-2010 in total H1N1 killed ~18,000 by the end of the pandemic.
Since November, we are already over 5,500 deaths from COVID-19’s first case in China.
We also know what the flu is. H1N1 was responsible for the 1918 spanish flu. We had a much better response to it 90 years later. COVID-19 is closely related to one of the scariest viruses we’ve ever seen, and while it doesn’t act as deadly as SARS it still has no treatment and no vaccine. There is no real reason to believe this will get better with the summer months. Quarantine is the only effective measure we have against the spread of the family of coronaviruses.