Opening the economy isn't enough. We need to innovate the economy.
Certain industries are going be dead or frozen because of this. That has nothing to do with restrictions.
In other sectors, we desperately need to ramp up supply. Nobody can get disinfectant. Nobody can get sanitizer. Deliveries have slowed. We're going to need plastics like crazy. We're going to need to distribute treatments. Anybody who can work from home probably will and telecommunications will boom.
There's plenty of demand out there and plenty of opportunity to put people to work fighting the virus. Kill two birds with one stone.
Square peg into round hole isn't going to work.
Certain industries are going be dead or frozen because of this. That has nothing to do with restrictions.
In other sectors, we desperately need to ramp up supply. Nobody can get disinfectant. Nobody can get sanitizer. Deliveries have slowed. We're going to need plastics like crazy. We're going to need to distribute treatments. Anybody who can work from home probably will and telecommunications will boom.
There's plenty of demand out there and plenty of opportunity to put people to work fighting the virus. Kill two birds with one stone.
Square peg into round hole isn't going to work.