That's not what it says.I think that report actually ran several scenarios. In the one where the US does what it's more or less doing now (shelter in place, limit contact, etc etc), you're still looking at over a million deaths
Whether their methods or data is correct I'm not qualified to say
Also, there's little doubt a cure will be found. The thing is that to test it to make sure it's safe and then produce enough of a vaccine etc will take over a year.
I honestly don't know what's going to end up happening...maybe it's not that severe, maybe it is. Maybe we're on lockdown as a country/planet for the next year until there's a safe vaccine. Maybe world governments have to step in and say "uhh ok maybe rampant capitalism needs to be put on hold until this is over" considering the number of people who are losing jobs, homes, lives over it
The test compares mitigation vs suppression. Mitigation is a professional way of saying "f***ing off while the world burns." What we're practicing now is suppression.