Thats fair. I did not think it through. That said, folks deciding not to take the vaccine except for the ones who really cannot take the vaccine IMO should bear the consequences. Plenty of countries' medical experts have deemed it to be safe - unless someone has a medical background and they are saying "not safe" fine but if they don't I am not sure I want to take their advice. And if push comes to shove where they decided not take the medicine and there are severe health complications no reason to give them priority over someone that needs medical attention -> ex: cancer patients
No that is how a society works. Your tax dollars are used not just for "medical help" but also for roads, education, etc... it is a big pool of money that is allocated.
Just because someone is genetically blessed doesn't mean they are also intellectually blessed to make big money unless you are play pro-sports, movie actor etc... More often than not folks require help one way or another. People on purpose deciding not to take the vaccine while they have no pre-existing medical conditions; and then develop severe covid symptoms and burden healthcare are the ones who have to be called out.
Folks that smoke cigarettes pay "tobacco tax". For the obese population; more often than not the obesity issue is found in the household that cannot afford healthy food because it is too expensive. For the over eaters who indulge I do not have any counter argument. For them may be further digging is required as to why they actually overeat "depression, anxiety"etc...??
But that is thing I had argued in my post to which you replied. Vaccinations are "not" going to help slow the spread. Vaccinations are shown to reduce severe covid symptoms if you get covid it hasn't shown (to my knowledge) yet to reduce the spread