1. Owning things does not equate to freedom. People in the Soviet Union "owned' goods they purchased.
2. I have to pay taxes on my land, get permission to drive a car, start a business, fish, hunt, collect rain water for myself, build an addition onto my house, fly on an airplane and about a 1000 more things. "Freedom" is a funny way of putting it.
3. If you want to hide away in a cave and wear 10 masks for the next 5 years - go for it - I don't care. Anyone who wants to should but stop telling everybody else what they should do though. I should be able to choose to go into a restaurant now if I want - if the owner wants to open up as well and we actually lived in a free society, but we really don't. Saying I save lives by wearing a mask is wrong - I don't have covid, never did...the VAST MAJORITY of people do not either. Why not try and target the vulnerable places/people (e.g. nursing homes) rather than destroy children's education for two years by putting it all online when none of them ever die and rarely, if ever get ill from covid at all?