How does he profit off of what he's saying and how much money has he made?
Again, read that nature article... it's also saying that the vaccine will produce variants. You can disagree if you want, but it's a valid theory.
You're correct that this has never happened in history, but this is an unprecedented pandemic. We've never attempted global mass vaccination in the middle of a pandemic. This is a lab-made coronavirus which we've never encountered before.
He gets paid to speak publicly on his "theories". How much I don't know, I'm not his accountant. How would anyone know that answer?
There is no evidence that in the history of vaccines that ANY vaccine created or produced a variant. The two articles you quoted lack a clear understanding of how vaccines are created. In the mRNA vaccine, they modified a protein that has zero ability to create a variant. ZERO. ZERO. ZERO
You produce variants by giving the virus a host and time to mutate.
There have been plenty of mass vaccinations in history and never has there ever been a variant outbreak because of these vaccines. Small pox vaccine, Swine Flu vaccine, Polio vaccine, H1N1 vaccine, Diphtheria vaccine, MMR vaccine, Tdap vaccine, HPV vaccine.
Vaccines don't
produce variants. It's not a valid theory, case closed, end of discussion.
pro·duce | \ prə-ˈdüs , prō-, -ˈdyüs \
produced; producing
Definition of produce
(Entry 1 of 2)
transitive verb
1: to offer to view or notice
2: to give birth or rise to : YIELD
3: to extend in length, area, or volume produce a side of a triangle
4: to make available for public exhibition or dissemination: such as
a: to provide funding forsearch for backers to produce the film
b: to oversee the making ofwill produce their new album
5a: to cause to have existence or to happen :
b: to give being, form, or shape to :
MAKEespecially :
6: to compose, create, or bring out by intellectual or physical effort
7: to cause to accrue
intransitive verb
: to bear, make, or yield something
pro·duce | \ ˈprō-(ˌ)düs also ˈprä- , -(ˌ)dyüs \
Definition of
produce (Entry 2 of 2)
1a: something
b: the amount produced :
2: agricultural
products and especially fresh fruits and vegetables as distinguished from grain and other staple crops
3: the progeny usually of a female animal