Because people often overreact to things that are unknown. Its been a very long time that we've seen a virus spread so quickly throughout the world and regardless of its actual lethality or danger to the vast majority of the world's population, governments and medical people lost their minds over it. It was only after a few months during the 1st wave did most nations finally calm down abit and regain their sanity to a degree when it was shown that most of the virus deaths were happening among the oldest and the sickest of the world's population.
Outside of a few exceptions perhaps, I don't know if many countries ever actually needed a near full shutdown to control the virus. Most countries including Canada could've probably been largely fine if they had simply did the mask wearing, social distancing where possible and keeping the most vulnerable population isolated from everyone else.
Also if Canada wanted to be extra safe and do a shutdown during the 1st wave because they weren't completely sure how dangerous the virus was even though we were already seeing data from other parts of the world, then that's at least understandable. But after it was well known and documented that the virus wasn't nearly as dangerous as we originally thought, then there's NO EXCUSE to not reopen ASAP and keep things open and largely back to normal and simply protect LTCs and other vulnerable people as they should've done from the beginning.
If we're looking at fighting covid as like fighting a war, in what world does it make sense to sacrifice your entire army to save a few divisions of men? Yes its sad and it sucks that you can't save everyone and a small part of your army is going to be lost in battle, but that's a far better outcome than to throw your entire army into a bad position trying to save those divisions and possibly cost you your whole army and the entire war.
That's where we are with covid. We're damaging our entire population for the sake of POTENTIALLY saving a few seniors and sick people's lives for a little longer. Again I'll repeat these are mostly the same people that in any given year will die to any kind of significant infection or medical issue because they're that fragile and near the end of their lifespan. And also hundreds if not thousands of people die daily in Canada from non-covid causes that we don't give a second thought over because covid trumps everything. Again why do those deaths matter so little because they didn't die by covid?
Time to end this madness and reopen most everything and let people live again. Stop listening to our idiot fearmongering 'medical experts' who if they had their way wouldn't allow anyone to live normally again until everyone was vaccinated and covid cases were near zero. That isn't going to happen anytime soon. Time to recognize that living with covid like the Japanese have the whole time is the smartest and least harmful option to cope with the pandemic instead of constantly keeping people in fear of a largely non-lethal virus.
Look at our resident IDIOT 'experts' and mayor who even now are calling for another extension in restrictions for Toronto and surrounding areas even as the numbers are going down. Back in mid December they wanted a shutdown that would last 'only' till the beginning of January and now OVER A MONTH AFTER that deadline they want YET ANOTHER extension? Yeah they can all go F**K themselves.