The Covid 'cases' (note: case does
not mean illness or active infection, but may include some) are 'rising' because Canada actually went against the WHO's memo about the PCR tests returning too many false positives with using a PCR cycle threshold over 30, and their recommendation that anything detected at 30 and above should have a secondary verification before they call it a Covid case. Canada and the media has steadfastly ignored this.
In Canada, the minimum PCR cycle threshold used was 38, but most are in the 40's.
So here we are again, using 'cases' from illogically high PCR cycle threshold to further more lockdowns and narratives for Canadians. Has anyone, anywhere asked why? Especially from a MSM outlet?
Don't believe is an MSM article for those who
only believe what they read from major media outlets.
Your Coronavirus Test Is Positive. Maybe It Shouldn’t Be.
Again, this is rather iron-clad proof that it's not about any virus, and not about science. Why is it so dangerous to speak about using appropriate scientific thresholds and true case verification like every other illness/disease in history to give the world an accurate indication of how serious (or not) Covid really is?
Anyone who says that we need to "stop the spread of a virus" should not be taken seriously. The way to end a pandemic is via exposure, and that's the only way this will end - the sooner the better - is to get to herd immunity.
Hospitals and ICU are not being overrun with Covid right now, there are a normal seasonal spikes - just like those that existed pre-Covid...imagine that. Low ICU availability is NOT a valid reason to lockdown a nation or province, and is not indicative of anything in and of itself. In several areas there are hospitals with a higher numbers of respiratory infections from mask wearing and side effects from the jab than the Covid patients. Think about that for a moment. Those respiratory infections come as a result of mask wearing for any sustained period of time.
Again, it needs to be pointed out that the side of a surgical mask box at the outset of the Corona outbreak clearly stated that "THIS PRODUCT IS NOT A RESPIRATOR AND WILL NOT PROVIDE ANY PROTECTION AGAINST COVID-19 (CORONAVIRUS) OR OTHER VIRUSES OR CONTAMINANTS." This is still 100% true today, even if that warning may or may not be on the box. Yet people ignore the label on the side of the box because the TV tells them to ignore it and just wear it for the good of the earth - and then try to shame others even with the proof right on the side of the box.
"First, do no harm" part of the hippocratic oath has been thrown right out the window this pandemic - to the detriment of all who are reading this.