You must be either young or very fortunate to not have the life experiences to know that good people do stupid shit. You think by educating people they are going to make the right choice?
I'll give you an example. there was a person in NB, they just got back from international travel. The first thing she did when she got home was visit her Mom at an old folks home, then she went to Costco and St. Hubert's. She didn't self isolate she didn't quarantine for 14 days like she had been educated to do. She knew right from wrong but because she felt good, felt healthy she didn't give it a second thought. Well this educated person started the first major outbreak in Moncton at a LTC facility and in the general population too. I'll give you a second example an educated person in NL went to a wedding after international travel, she didn't isolate didn't follow protocols , protocols she knew she was required to follow, she didn't and well over 100 people caught Covid-19... when education does not work, then the government steps in.
Our government has an obligation, a duty to protect its people. We all noticed what happened down south when the government gave their people the "freedom" to do as they please, 1/5th of all deaths in the world..