Coronavirus (COVID-19) Discussion Part XI

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Canada bans cruises until March 2022. Look the writing is on the wall that we won't be going back to normal life for years now. If were all supposed to be vaccinated by September im not seeing why the border, travel, tourism, indoor dinning and everything will have to stay restricted into 2022. And in 2022 they will say actually 2023 and in 2023 we will be watching the Hartford Leafs and Tampa Bay Raptors and Dunedin Blue Jays. All because our government is cool to locking us down for 3-5 more years.
Fingers crossed, hopefully I’ll be watching the Dunedin Blue Jays in March....and hey get those stupid Raptors out of here and send them to Hartford or China.
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Not a chance everyone gets vaccinated by September. Nevermind that the vaccine only gives 5 to 6 months benefit. Nevermind the vaccine you get will help with all the variants that have and may develop in the coming months.

Yep, so the pro-hard lockdown crowd is living in a fantasy world if they think we can just stay lock downed forever. They keep saying only a few more months few more months. Now its starting to become apparent the government plans to do this for years
This is simply not true. 5 year average of flu and flu related pneumonia deaths is 7,333 per year.

Many businesses have been completely shut down for months total now and severely restricted even when allowed to open. My favorite restaurant in Burlington seats Scott 300 and even when they could open they were restricted to 10 people. Come on, that's not a "down year".

This is a backwards world where you and I went from debating to now agreeing on a majority. Im good for masks, preventive steps but at some point in the very near future we have to move on. The vaccine was supposed to do it and now its a bunch of shrugs from the federal government saying for your own good no international travel for a long time, no indoor dinning, no big weddings, no cross border sports, ect... Hopefully an election is called in the spring/summer and a new government comes in and rightfully changes that.
Not a chance everyone gets vaccinated by September. Nevermind that the vaccine only gives 5 to 6 months benefit. Nevermind the vaccine you get will help with all the variants that have and may develop in the coming months.
They insinuated the vaccines would last several years and they probably would, however with a Pharmaceutical and Health Insurance rep now in charge of the US I fully expect it’ll be yearly. Too much $$$ involved.
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This is simply not true. 5 year average of flu and flu related pneumonia deaths is 7,333 per year.

Many businesses have been completely shut down for months total now and severely restricted even when allowed to open. My favorite restaurant in Burlington seats Scott 300 and even when they could open they were restricted to 10 people. Come on, that's not a "down year".

Edit:. Leading causes of death, total population, by age group

Someone posted the link yesterday, 10 years is what it said.

Being shut down for months is different than being shut down for a year. EBIDA is down from the previous year, that is a down year, there is no inference in severity using the word down. Down means down.
So why can’t individual families make these choices themselves? The government and workplaces can support those that don’t want to take that risk rather than printing money to support the entire crippled system. Families that aren’t in situations like that can at least go about their lives normally if they so choose.

Why can't families make decisions like that? Why do we have laws?
This is a backwards world where you and I went from debating to now agreeing on a majority. Im good for masks, preventive steps but at some point in the very near future we have to move on. The vaccine was supposed to do it and now its a bunch of shrugs from the federal government saying for your own good no international travel for a long time, no indoor dinning, no big weddings, no cross border sports, ect... Hopefully an election is called in the spring/summer and a new government comes in and rightfully changes that.

Agreed. You can’t keep people in their homes for a year like caged animals solely because of the federal ****ups. They are here to support us, not the other way around.
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Canada bans cruises until March 2022. Look the writing is on the wall that we won't be going back to normal life for years now. If were all supposed to be vaccinated by September im not seeing why the border, travel, tourism, indoor dinning and everything will have to stay restricted into 2022. And in 2022 they will say actually 2023 and in 2023 we will be watching the Hartford Leafs and Tampa Bay Raptors and Dunedin Blue Jays. All because our government is cool to locking us down for 3-5 more years.

So because Canada has supposedly ban cruises till next year that means every thing is banned?
Now it is February 15 2021 before next stated vaccine shipment arrives in Ottawa ... that is a 4 week delay ... and doses are down 30% from what we were supposed to get weekly ... but even that shipment may get blocked by da EU ... I can't wait to hear that 4M doses by end of March is now only 2M but don't worry we will get them 2M doses by April ... and on and on with da BS ... lies lies lies lies
Winter baseball is a riot, but you have to use a very soft ball. Hit to short and have the entire infield searching it out. Using a regular baseball would freeze and would be brutal.

If someone didn't vaccinate their child how could they infect a vaccinated child? The only person they could infect is another unvaccinated child. So when it comes to that I'm sure the parents will be well aware of where the blame will be placed and just whose health they are risking.

Vaccines are not necessarily 100% effective, some are some are not. I think the concern and the logic for the Act is when idiots like Jenny McCarthy come out and tell people that a vaccine caused her child's autism, idiots tend to group think, then is 2 kids not vaccinated, then its 20 , then its 200... the Act is intended to encourage good parenting to minimize outbreaks. If everyone is vaccinated then the risk is low.
Agreed. You can’t keep people in their homes for a year like caged animals solely because of the federal ****ups. They are here to support us, not the other way around.

Vote your MP out if you are unhappy with being a responsible person. I'm sure you can find a politician who is willing to do anything to get the MP job.
So because Canada has supposedly ban cruises till next year that means every thing is banned?

How do you ban cruises but allow international borders and tourism to reopen? If its safe for flights from Europe to come here and safe for me to go down to Caribbean/US for sports games, vacation ect.. how is it not safe for a cruise? Unless this is the first act in a long line of things they will restrict for the next few years.

Also Im hoping this is just for cruises. I hope but not putting a lot of faith that by Fall we will be able to go to US and the Raptors will be playing back in Toronto.

Also please dont move the goal posts by saying that "hey you can get a drink with one other household in September, or Christmas you can have 10 people over" Thats not back to normal nor even close. Thats why Im not thrilled, it seems like too many have now been so alone for a year that even just seeing one other person will feel like they got all their freedoms back and if I question it im not grateful to our overlords the feds haha
Why can't families make decisions like that? Why do we have laws?


My point is, why not let people choose? Educate them on the risks and how to protect themselves. But let them choose whether to go to work or stay home instead of robbing that choice from them. If you can work from home, then keep working from home. If that’s not possible for you, then you get to decide based on your specific situation. Living with grandparents? Probably should stay home. The government can then help those people out until we get the vaccine widely distributed. What is the issue with that?

My point is, why not let people choose? Educate them on the risks and how to protect themselves. But let them choose whether to go to work or stay home instead of robbing that choice from them. If you can work from home, then keep working from home. If that’s not possible for you, then you get to decide based on your specific situation. Living with grandparents? Probably should stay home. The government can then help those people out until we get the vaccine widely distributed. What is the issue with that?

You must be either young or very fortunate to not have the life experiences to know that good people do stupid shit. You think by educating people they are going to make the right choice?

I'll give you an example. there was a person in NB, they just got back from international travel. The first thing she did when she got home was visit her Mom at an old folks home, then she went to Costco and St. Hubert's. She didn't self isolate she didn't quarantine for 14 days like she had been educated to do. She knew right from wrong but because she felt good, felt healthy she didn't give it a second thought. Well this educated person started the first major outbreak in Moncton at a LTC facility and in the general population too. I'll give you a second example an educated person in NL went to a wedding after international travel, she didn't isolate didn't follow protocols , protocols she knew she was required to follow, she didn't and well over 100 people caught Covid-19... when education does not work, then the government steps in.

Our government has an obligation, a duty to protect its people. We all noticed what happened down south when the government gave their people the "freedom" to do as they please, 1/5th of all deaths in the world..
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How do you ban cruises but allow international borders and tourism to reopen? If its safe for flights from Europe to come here and safe for me to go down to Caribbean/US for sports games, vacation ect.. how is it not safe for a cruise? Unless this is the first act in a long line of things they will restrict for the next few years.

How is Legionnaires disease more common on a cruise ship? Why is food poisoning on a cruise ship more common?

All questions that I think need to be answered.
You must be either young or very fortunate to not have the life experiences to know that good people do stupid shit. You think by educating people they are going to make the right choice?

I'll give you an example. there was a person in NB, they just got back from international travel. The first thing she did when she got home was visit her Mom at an old folks home, then she went to Costco and St. Hubert's. She didn't self isolate she didn't quarantine for 14 days like she had been educated to do. She knew right from wrong but because she felt good, felt healthy she didn't give it a second thought. Well this educated person started the first major outbreak in Moncton at a LTC facility and in the general population too. I'll give you a second example an educated person in NL went to a wedding after international travel, she didn't isolate didn't follow protocols , protocols she knew she was required to follow, she didn't and well over 100 people caught Covid-19... when education does not work, then the government steps in.

Our government has an obligation, a duty to protect its people. We all noticed what happened down south when the government gave their people the "freedom" to do as they please, 1/5th of all deaths in the world..

So you want the government to babysit? Guess you like the idea of Big Brother knowing everything you do as well.

So we should all suffer because they are stupid people out there?

Should we all lose the right to drive because some people drive irresponsibly?

People make choices, they know the risks, we have all seen the commercials and ads and constant messages from medical professionals. People know the dangers of smoking, yet the government still sells cigarettes.
Let’s put our trust in Trudeau, who has stolen millions of dollars from taxpayers illegally and doesn’t have to answer to it. These are the people whose guidance we should follow and you expect them to be able to protect us? Get real
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This is a backwards world where you and I went from debating to now agreeing on a majority. Im good for masks, preventive steps but at some point in the very near future we have to move on. The vaccine was supposed to do it and now its a bunch of shrugs from the federal government saying for your own good no international travel for a long time, no indoor dinning, no big weddings, no cross border sports, ect... Hopefully an election is called in the spring/summer and a new government comes in and rightfully changes that.

They win a majority if an election is called (if the polls are right}.
Now it is February 15 2021 before next stated vaccine shipment arrives in Ottawa ... that is a 4 week delay ... and doses are down 30% from what we were supposed to get weekly ... but even that shipment may get blocked by da EU ... I can't wait to hear that 4M doses by end of March is now only 2M but don't worry we will get them 2M doses by April ... and on and on with da BS ... lies lies lies lies

And that means people aren't getting their second dose and there are warnings now that means mutations will happen as a result. What a disaster.
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Cool. The covid vaccine will be the exact same. Opt out if you want, if the disease isn't prevalent then no biggie. When it is you get "pulled out of school" (adult equivalent- barred from certain buildings and services). Not mandatory, not a requirement.

I wasn't talking about the covid vaccine. I was correcting the other poster who was claiming that all the normal vaccines are mandatory and required to attend public school in New Brunswick.
So you want the government to babysit? Guess you like the idea of Big Brother knowing everything you do as well.

So we should all suffer because they are stupid people out there?

Absolutely because I don't mind the government protecting me from the dumbass down the street, I want to give up all my civil liberties, good deductive skills. It really is a binary choice.... its one or the other.

In my days of public speaking my public speaking coach told me , pick out the dumbest person in the room in the first 5 minutes then speak to him/her. Insider secret, you know when they get you to do those silly ice breaker exercises in the first 10 minutes of the meeting, they are trying to determine who the dumbest person in the room is... they aren't actually trying to break the ice... ;) Same concept applies to the government lockdowns, they are governing for the dumbest people in the population. The lock down is not for you, its for the idiot next to you that has his fist burred 2 miles up his nose looking for that next perfect booger.
Someone posted the link yesterday, 10 years is what it said.

Well I gave you the stats Canada numbers. I'm good with those. Nothing like what you said.

Being shut down for months is different than being shut down for a year. EBIDA is down from the previous year, that is a down year, there is no inference in severity using the word down. Down means down.

Sounds like you're not a small business owner. I am and let me tell you brother, once you know you have to come up with $50k/month to keep the doors open, you tend to get real worried about interruptions in business or someone not paying you because they aren't getting paid. It's so easy to sit there and say "suck it up, you should have been been prepared for losing $500k/yr" when it ain't you. And I'm a *really* small business.
Well I gave you the stats Canada numbers. I'm good with those. Nothing like what you said.

Sounds like you're not a small business owner. I am and let me tell you brother, once you know you have to come up with $50k/month to keep the doors open, you tend to get real worried about interruptions in business or someone not paying you because they aren't getting paid. It's so easy to sit there and say "suck it up, you should have been been prepared for losing $500k/yr" when it ain't you. And I'm a *really* small business.

Alberta has recorded more COVID-19 deaths in 10 months than flu deaths in 20 years

CALGARY -- Data from the Government of Alberta shows the province has recorded more COVID-19 deaths in 10 months than influenza deaths in the last 20 years combined.
Alberta reported its first death from COVID-19 on March 19, 2020. In the time since, 1,389 people have lost their lives to the coronavirus as of Thursday.
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Well I gave you the stats Canada numbers. I'm good with those. Nothing like what you said.

Sounds like you're not a small business owner. I am and let me tell you brother, once you know you have to come up with $50k/month to keep the doors open, you tend to get real worried about interruptions in business or someone not paying you because they aren't getting paid. It's so easy to sit there and say "suck it up, you should have been been prepared for losing $500k/yr" when it ain't you. And I'm a *really* small business.

There is risk in being a small business owner, you chose that path. When we hit recessions that are not Covid related, who do you blame then?
They win a majority if an election is called (if the polls are right}.

And that means people aren't getting their second dose and there are warnings now that means mutations will happen as a result. What a disaster.
There are a lot of people collecting government money because they are at home. I'm sure they love Justin
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There is risk in being a small business owner, you chose that path. When we hit recessions that are not Covid related, who do you blame then?

Big difference. If it’s a recession because of valid economic reasons than there is nothing you can do about it. When it’s a BS lockdown that serves no purpose, than yes, you can blame the government for their horrible decision making and planning
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