Wear a mask
- Oct 23, 2013
- 16,172
- 6,684
thanks. I look forward to looking at some numbers in a few months which show Influenza mortality rates over the past year vs COVID-19 mortality rates vs influenza mortality rates in the past few years.
from what I read these numbers aren’t available for a month or two after the new year has started.
while you look forward to data that you likely won’t understand and misinterpret let me remind you of the differences between the two.
The Flu:
1. Most contagious 3 days after the onset of symptoms.
2. No asymptomatic spread
3. Annual vaccine available taken by 15 million Canadian adults last year
4. Anti-viral therapeutics available
1. Most contagious 3 days BEFORE symptoms emerge
2. One of the only corona viruses to be transmissible in asymptomatic individuals
3. Until a few days ago, no vaccine. No vaccine available for the general public for months
4. Very few treatment options available.
now, we can all wait with baited breath until you review the data or we can just go with what the medical community tells us right now based on all the evidence.... this disease is deadly and has already killed more Canadians than the annual flu and we are not even through a full year.
so respectfully, just stop with the farcical argument.