Looks like everyone is waking up and starting to counter the disinformation spread by people like Pookie.
500 scientists have signed a letter sent to government officials about the airborne/aerosol spread of covid. The letter specifically mentions the importance of c-95 masks because other masks aren't effective at stopping aerosol spread. There should also be a much bigger emphasis on ventilation. Of course, masks help with droplets, and covid also spreads via droplets, so they help a little (as I've long been saying). But they argue that too many are ignoring the science about just how greatly covid spreads via airborne aerosols too small to be stopped by cloth/surgical masks.
I know they mean well, but people exaggerating/lying about mask effectiveness puts people in danger.
Globe and mail article:Scientists call on Canada to refocus efforts on addressing airborne spread of COVID-19
Letter itself:Time for government to take aerosol transmission of COVID-19 seriously | Ricochet
Well who is going to buy all the masks that aren't N95 quality the government has asked businesses to manufacture or even ordered?