Wait a minute. Not so fast here.
So I went week by week and totaled it up. The estimates of deaths they give for 2020 (Statita) are not based on any current numbers, or trends, and are very suspect to say the least. Seems they are taking last years numbers and simply adding on expected Covid deaths by the end of the year to get their estimate numbers.....not very scientific, but great for making a false claim of excess deaths.
Population estimates here:
The Daily — Canada's population estimates, second quarter 2018
Weekly deaths:
Weekly death counts: Interactive tool
Death by all causes through week 38:
2018: Weeks 1 - 38 inclusive: 206,980 Population (estimated): 37,058,856 (July 1st, 2018)
2020: Weeks 1 - 38 inclusive: 208,880 Population (estimated): 38,005,238 (Jul 1st, 2020)
2018 interim death rate: 559 for every 100,000
2020 interim death rate: 550 for every 100,000
I am trying to understand why the death rate is slightly lower in 2020 (through the first 38 weeks) than it was back in 2018?
The hard numbers say that to that latest date shown, there are no excess deaths.
Yeah, it is getting old and tired.