I’ve always been curious where the precise line is. With Covid it’s “grandma is more important than the economy”. Whenever I ask why doesn’t this apply every flu/pneumonia season, I’m told “that’s only tens of thousands of grandmas, so... they just don’t count for some reason”. Seems strange. I’m curious what the exact number is.
Flu/pneimonia seasons the grandma that is going to die will die regardless of any medical help. Flu shots and advances in medical science also helps most grandma not die including other folks with compromised immune systems
You don't overburden the healthcare system and the economy can function without any significant impact on public health.
Covid on the other hand is a different story; it is more contagious; it is brand new we do not know what it does, it takes time to understand what potential impact can it have on your health regardless where you are grandma's age, middle age or young.
Recovered from covid is not the same as recovered from flu/pneumonia; we don't know what "recovery" from covid even means; the virus is less than 1 yr old and we are still studying the impact.
What they don't tell you about surviving COVID-19
% of hospitalizations due to covid are much grater than flu/pneumonia; the death rate due to covid > than flu/pneumonia.
There is no established science yet for covid that says that long term health impact is nothing; get it and it won't screw you over or your genetic structure such that when you pass on your genes to your kids it won't have any impact on your kids i.e. you won't have to spend time running between cheo for your child's health (or your own health) and at the same time pay your bills.
Covid impacts people with high blood pressure, diabetes, etc... more severely than flu/pneumonia.
What percentage of Canadian population has the following:
- Blood Pressure
- Diabetes
- Overweight
- etc...
what % of people are now getting hospitalized (recover or not) due to covid compared to influenza? Without knowing answers to these questions and yelling "Economy" wouldn't help.
Economy is because of people; people are not because of economy.
Canadians have so far been lucky (mostly) compared to the US; if we did the same thing that US did then we would have been more screwed. Look south of the border.
"Death" isn't the only adverse outcome of covid; there are other health imapcts (read the link above).
If you have a PHD in sciences to disprove that link then go ahead disprove it; win the nobel prize and save the planet form this virus.