I am surprised how much I miss going to concerts and sporting events. The Bills are finally good after having season tickets for years when they sucked!!
I miss going to a pub and watching some band continue their dream of one day making it!!
they never went out and socialised to begin with
Also, lots of people in this topic also clearly have nothing and have nothing to lose and don't give a flying fadoo what's happening to others. They think they're the compassionate ones saving lives too.
Yes. I'm certain that will happen and I don't see the problem with that.
Was there decades of science claiming that seatbelts are NOT necessary and effective? Then the science changed overnight once seatbelts became a political issue in America during an election year?
Walking monsters? What does that even mean?
Here's a pro-tip. If you want to convince people to believe what you believe, don't say ridiculous things that don't make sense.
If you only read some of the posters in this thread, you'd think all businesses are locked down and the government is trapping us all in our homes a gunpoint.
I don't know about you guys, but my life is basically unchanged except for having to wear a mask when I go out. I don't even get wtf these guys are whining about. Basically everything is open.
I truly wish they do. And I know they did a complete 180 within days of announcing the likely extension. But I’m not convinced anymore with these new rules — a runny nose requires a COVID test?! Yikes.
What happened at Thorncliffe Park with the rapid tests and discovering all those positive tests was a game changer IMO. Although, I have thought, seeing that, I’m certain way more people have had COVID and had no clue (as in, felt no affects).
LOLmost people in this topic have never done any of these things in their entire lives. That's why they are cool with wearing a mask and "social distancing" forever: it won't stop them from going out and socialising because they never went out and socialised to begin with
So you’re completely fine with wearing masks indoors for the rest of your life?
I think there's some truth to that. The biggest "we-need-to-stay-home-forever" friend of mine owns a small mansion in Oakville with an amazing backyard. No kids, loves working from home, no more commuting to Toronto. Also, has a very small circle of friends and hates going out to things like sports and music events.
The other friend who is like that has a family, but is so indoctrinated with politics, that he has adopted the new and strange "not-questioning-anything-government-says" stance that modern progressivism has sort of morphed into.
I just want this to end and want to be able to travel to Cedar Point and other amusement parks by summer like I usually do. If that means wearing a mask and staying away from others so be it. This is coming from a guy with a kid. I still go out it eat a few times a month like I always have done.the " yes please put me under more restrictions" crowd are the ones likely with no kids to worry about their futures and also the ones who never went out to socialise with friends in the first place. Keeping me locked up is okay, because I rarely ever stepped outside the house to begin with
THESE are the types that are unquestionably supporting mask use and eternal restrictions on our everyday lives... got nothing to lose from a social standpoint
Haha! Good point. We should all admit that we pick and choose our conspiracies to match our personality and outlook on life. If we were to be 100% completely open-minded and consistent with our line of thinking about everything, it would probably ruin our core identity and leave us feeling completely alienated.My experience is a little different I know of a straight laced individual who thinks the government is taking away their rights and freedoms and that there's no such thing as privacy anymore. The same person would also turn a blind eye towards the fact a government can withhold information on UFOs and extraterrestrials. Whether a person is really willing to think outside of the box is another question altogether. If you are so enlightened about things the government has or has not told us, think about how the aliens feel.
Flu is down because of Covid restrictions? Why?
Are seatbelts terrorism too?
The Leafs, because they have not won a cup in 105 years.![]()
I was super lucky to be at the last leafs game against Tampa as a Birthday gift.
I truly hope the nhl and other sports facilities adopt the new BioCloud device. Its basically going to be used as a real time screener that's 100% accurate and used in smaller spaces and rooms.
Mcdonalds was using it to screen employees before shifts in london ontario for example.
How else would you recommend a product get marketed and advertised in today's day and age kind sir...Everytime I see an infographic like that, I know immediately that I'm getting misled, lied to, propagandized and bs'ed.
The more the virus rages the more the shutdown/lockdowns will begin again, and the unlikelihood hockey returns to normalcy until players and all staff are all vaccinated.
I think there's some truth to that. The biggest "we-need-to-stay-home-forever" friend of mine owns a small mansion in Oakville with an amazing backyard. No kids, loves working from home, no more commuting to Toronto. Also, has a very small circle of friends and hates going out to things like sports and music events.
The other friend who is like that has a family, but is so indoctrinated with politics, that he has adopted the new and strange "not-questioning-anything-government-says" stance that modern progressivism has sort of morphed into.
Government is not our f***ing parent; we as a society and people have to take responsibility and act like adults and follow protocols and this virus goes down. Except, we have a few humungous idiots who think they know better than experts and don't follow protocols and the virus spread.