There it is. You're essential but others aren't.
Let that sink in. Brown Shirts used to say the same thing. Your cringe intesnifies.
I get it. You're more important than the disposable ppl. Stop talking bro for your own sake. Man......I don't think a trendy hot sauce shop in downtown Burlington is as essential as supplying almost all our grocers which are being left open during lockdown.
WHat's inaccurate about that statement?
I never said it wasn't a big deal. You just have to make up arguments to win.
I get it. You're more important than the disposable ppl. Stop talking bro for your own sake. Man......
Cause they're 2 completely different sentences. *looks around*How exactly is saying "people die all the time. welcome to reality" not saying that their deaths aren't a big deal?
Cause they're 2 completely different sentences. *looks around*
People do die all the time.
That doesn't mean cancer isn't serious.
I walked into it today. :p
Hasn't really financially. I left my retail job to start my own project online so i was planning for a real frugal 2years anyways. The timing was actually pretty crazy perfect. I also don't live above my means which helps. But socially we've all made sacrifice.How has the pandemic affected you personally?
I'd like to know because I have a feeling this is a very personal issue for you that you're trying to express here...
Hasn't really financially. I left my retail job to start my own project online so i was planning for a real frugal 2years anyways. The timing was actually pretty crazy perfect. I also don't live above my means which helps. But socially we've all made sacrifice.
Heaven forbid I feel for ppl getting ruined by the government. Try putting yourself in other ppls shoes. Like ppl taking 2nd mortgages to float their small business. Risking it all. And you shit on them while sacrificing and risking nothing financially by cheering on lock downs.
Was one of the hardest hit. From July until now, most of the states hardest hit have been those with Republican governors.uncontrolled without restrictions? Bahahahaha. NYC is one of the hardest ht and Cuomo locked that down like crazy.
No. I just talk about the other side of the coin everyone seems to be ignoring. Lock downs have very negative repercussions as well.Well I'm happy everything is OK with you but as far as this debate is concerned it seems as though you're prioritizing the survival of businesses above the survival of people, and not just people but vulnerable people...
This thread is funny for me because a lot of people whose opinions on Leafs matters I agree with and respect are on a totally different side on the argument of Covid/public health/policy...
You're another one now!
No. I just talk about the other side of the coin everyone seems to be ignoring. Lock downs have very negative repercussions as well.
Image saving your whole life to open that restaurant you always wanted. Depleting all your liquidity and likely taking loans to get the thing going......and 4 months in you have the government do what they did. You're already broke getting her going. You planned for cash flow naturally. Not a pit of lease and utility debt.
Your life savings POOF....gone just like that through no fault of your own.
Lost of businesses flop but at the fault of the owner. Not the government.TBH restaurants flop all the time, so this really isn’t a good example. It’s a risky business.
It's a very slippery slope. Especially coming from a government that literally just squashed an investigation into itself. It's hard to have any confidence in what the establishment is saying with all the crazy hypocrisy and flip-flopping imho.Pandemics are quite bad for humanity across the board.
There' might be a few winners but there's many, many more losers.
Most people are unaffected, or at least inconvenienced.
It's up to establishments to decide who loses (businesses/vulnerable demographics) and how (bankruptcies/evictions vs. preventable deaths)...
I don't care what letter they have in front of their name. What Cuomo did should have him in jail.Was one of the hardest hit. From July until now, most of the states hardest hit have been those with Republican governors.
For what?I don't care what letter they have in front of their name. What Cuomo did should have him in jail.
They are at risk of being overrun. If you've spent any time in a hospital recently or know anyone who works in the health care industry you could see that. And I don't see any evidence to suggest deaths are down this year but whatever. If that were the case I think it would be because covid restrictions have A) worked to prevent covid deaths and B) they lower the likelihood of other deaths such as car accidents, flu deaths etc since
Maybe there were too many boutique shops and designer cupcake makers in the first place?
Businesses that close or can't survive a pandemic probably didn't have enough roots grounded in the first place.
There's an underlying risk in any business venture you take and global pandemics are one of them.
That's life.
I know someone that works with COVID patients in one of the largest hospitals in Ontario and that hasn’t been her experience.
Um... what? Not only is that an incredibly ignorant thing to say, it’s borderline sociopathic. There are plenty of businesses out there that people rely on to generate an income that are not considered to be “essential” by the government. It doesn’t mean they are invalid and don’t deserve a chance to thrive. Take gyms or fitness centres for example.
When he ordered the sick Covid patients into old folks' homes.For what?
Well I'm happy everything is OK with you but as far as this debate is concerned it seems as though you're prioritizing the survival of businesses above the survival of people, and not just people but vulnerable people...
This thread is funny for me because a lot of people whose opinions on Leafs matters I agree with and respect are on a totally different side on the argument of Covid/public health/policy...
You're another one now!
Image saving your whole life to open that restaurant you always wanted. Depleting all your liquidity and likely taking loans to get the thing going......and 4 months in you have the government do what they did. You're already broke getting her going. You planned for cash flow naturally. Not a pit of lease and utility debt.
Your life savings POOF....gone just like that through no fault of your own.
The Justice Dept could have but didn't because they know that the federal government's incompetence (issuing confusing or outright wrong directives to the states) would have received way too much attention. Cuomo had them by the cajones.When he ordered the sick Covid patients into old folks' homes.
You and I have a different idea of what is essential and what isn't.
Can people exercise in the confines of their own property, yes or no?
I'm sorry, but gyms are a societal frill.
Run outside.