Everytime I read an article like this, it seems like the virus is completely out of control and we're all screwed if we don't take every action possible to stop the virus from spreading, but then when you go to their own government website to see the actual facts all of a sudden you get a whole new perspective:
COVID-19 Alberta statistics
I mean should the people of Alberta be going insane over the virus when a grand total of 32 PEOPLE UNDER 60 and a total of 105 people under the age of 70 have died to the virus so far? 105 under the age of 70 have died out of a population of 4.4 million and I think its pretty easy to understand why many people aren't going insane over the virus nor should they.
Its the same here in Ontario where 1,237 people UNDER THE AGE OF 70 have died to date and 705 of those deaths are between 70-79. Should we really need to go nuts over a virus and take such drastic measures to stop it while wreaking people's lives when 70% of all covid deaths in Ontario are people 80+ in age? I mean 4,050 covid deaths to date in Ontario out of a population of 14.5 million and 70% of them are in the 80+ age group is what we should wreak our society over? Really??
You can check Ontario's covid stats daily from here and see for yourself:
COVID-19 case data: All Ontario
Can all the 'Covid is super serious and deadly' people understand why looking at those kinds of numbers get why many people aren't nearly as scared of the virus as you are? I think its possible to acknowledge that covid is a significant virus that needs to be dealt with without going insane and believing that dealing with the virus requires massively damaging our nation and millions of people's lives over it.