Ok, but everybody’s situation is unique. There obviously should be some restrictions/guidelines that business should follow (assuming they’re based on science and backed by publicly accessible data).
That being said, when you talk about cracking down on people visiting their families or friends - you’re walking a dangerous and authoritative path. We’re only having a small Christmas dinner with immediate family this year rather than the typical large gathering in other years. That’s a decision we made as a family taking all factors under consideration (I.e. having an older family member who is high-risk). Ultimately, that decision should rest in the hands of individuals and their families. I personally feel that the government has no right to intervene.
I get it, some people are just being reckless fools. But this isn’t Ebola we’re talking about here. Some families may be comfortable with the risk that this virus carries, others may not. That should be left to a personal choice IMO.