Only cause of the way you explained it. I don't see a difference in if you go to your neighbors home or they come to yours. Its still a person who is alone joining another household. It has nothing to do with numbers at all.but you JUST said 7 posts above that it would be ok for 3 people to come to my place!!
make up your mind stealthy!!
Only cause of the way you explained it. I don't see a difference in if you go to your neighbors home or they come to yours. Its still a person who is alone joining another household. It has nothing to do with numbers at all.
The guideline is that a person who lives alone can join another household for dinner. Why does it matter whose house they are in?
No that wouldn't work cause that's not how the rule was set.look.
i need all 3 of them to come to MY place as I have a model airplane that I built and I would love to show them. It's in my glass showcase downstairs.
What if I go out to the sidewalk, and then tell all 3 of them to go into my house.
THEN, I will join them inside my house a few minutes later.
This way, it's only 1 extra person entering my home (me).
That way, we stay within the "1 extra person allowed" rule.
Before you call it a night, do you think that would work as well?
I do get what you're saying in that its confusing to many on how its layed out. I will say normally the person who is alone rarely is going to make dinner for a bunch of, you're wrong.
one scenario is a single person visiting another household, but the other scenario is 3 people visiting another household. Clearly, two different scenarios. Why do you say they are the same thing?
You're confusing me man. You're going to make me break the rules if I go ahead with my 3 neighbours (all from the same household) coming over to visit me..
No that wouldn't work cause that's not how the rule was set.
I'm starting to understand your point that the way the rule is set makes no sense. Its why so many aren't following most guidelines.
Originally it will as supposed to be nobody can join your household for any gatherings. The only reason they added the single person living alone part is so they aren't left out. Its really not hard to understand.
For example for my family is inviting my mom over as she lives alone. That's how the guideline is put out. I don't understand what's so complicated about understanding that.
That’s what Wuhan did. That’s what worked.
Wuhan (and all of China) already had a pro-mask culture, which massively escalated with sars 20 years ago. So even back in December everyone in Wuhan was wearing masks. The masks help a bit, but as Wuhan showed (when they were forced to crash build new hospitals in February ), masks and socials distancing aren’t enough.
What worked in Wuhan was putting pretty much everybody under house arrest.
so yeah, I agree. TRUE lockdowns is what worked. We should have done that for like a month way back in March.
great post.I am a Covid denier thank you very much, in that I deny Covid access to my body by properly wearing a doctor recommended facemask and by following all local and federal health recommendations.
"More than 7 million travellers have entered Canada during the pandemic."
No lockdown, no matter how rigid, would have worked with this going on (unless you wanted Wuhan-style lockdowns for 18 months until everyone gets vaccinated). That would have been bliss.
First I can do that as you are allowed a person to join your household if they are alone which she is. Two why would I call the city to double check?your family is having your mom over?
Why didn't you mention that before?
But i think it's breaking the rules. I don't think you can do that to be honest. I would call the city and double-check with them first
First I can do that as you are allowed a person to join your household if they are alone which she is. Two why would I call the city to double check?
No I have said before we have all decided not to get together. Mainly due to cases rising here. So we decided to stick to the rules.What happened with your sister and her kids? They bail on your plans?
Did you literally just read the title and then link the article?"More than 7 million travellers have entered Canada during the pandemic."
No lockdown, no matter how rigid, would have worked with this going on (unless you wanted Wuhan-style lockdowns for 18 months until everyone gets vaccinated). That would have been bliss.
Not surprised as cases will always rise once lockdowns are over. The point now is that they can do contact tracing since numbers are so low.Australia begins to open up and
Sydney cluster jumps to 17 as WA requires NSW visitors to isolate - as it happened
Makes sense. Til the majority of Canadians have taken the Vaccine wearing a mask and social distancing will still be in place.Just wait till they learn they still need to mask and distance after they take it
Nearly half of Canadians don't think it is safe to take the COVID-19 vaccine, but most will take it anyway, finds a new survey from KPMG
No I have said before we have all decided not to get together. Mainly due to cases rising here. So we decided to stick to the rules.
I wonder how long after the majority of Canadians will vaccinated the mask mandate will be lifted. 1 month, 6 months, 1 year? Im hoping right away, but I wouldnt be surprised if it's longer if it takes a while for herd immunity, especially if there is a significant amount of the population that doesn't take the vaccine.Makes sense. Til the majority of Canadians have taken the Vaccine wearing a mask and social distancing will still be in place.
No I wasn't sticking to the rules and it had nothing to do with you calling me out.But you weren't going to stick by the rules even though you were talking down to everyone else about following the rules. You're on the record saying you fully intended to have your sister and her kids over until I called you on it and the entire time you were calling out others for causing the second wave because they wouldn't stop socially gathering in their houses.
Wasn't there a mandatory quarantine for those that were allowed (essential travelers) to enter Canada?"More than 7 million travellers have entered Canada during the pandemic."
No lockdown, no matter how rigid, would have worked with this going on (unless you wanted Wuhan-style lockdowns for 18 months until everyone gets vaccinated). That would have been bliss.