Confirmed with Link: Corey Perry on waivers for purpose of contract termination (mod warning: no direct speculation at this time)


Registered User
Dec 19, 2006
London, Ont.
the Hawks have many female employees. it's the fact they're speculating a *specific* woman, with nothing to back it up, and likely just because she's on TV and related to a famous (male) player.
Yes, but only few that we know and see. People will speculate who it is until it's known, just the nature of it, and it's not misogyny in anyway.
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No Fun Shogun

May 1, 2011
It's still early, but has the NHLPA said a thing about this? I'd have to imagine that if Perry was terminated over anything minor or ticky-tacky, Walsh & Co would be hopping mad at a player getting $3 million-ish axed from them and ingloriously cut.

Obviously, there's a time table for how long they have to file any sort of grievance, so can't read too much into that or take silence as deafening when we're mostly lambasting and bemoaning other fans for taking pretty obvious rumormongering at face value without a shread of evidence merely because of (admittedly deserved) lingering anger at the organization.


Registered User
Jul 7, 2009
Chicago 'Burbs
It's still early, but has the NHLPA said a thing about this? I'd have to imagine that if Perry was terminated over anything minor or ticky-tacky, Walsh & Co would be hopping mad at a player getting $3 million-ish axed from them and ingloriously cut.

Obviously, there's a time table for how long they have to file any sort of grievance, so can't read too much into that or take silence as deafening when we're mostly lambasting and bemoaning other fans for taking pretty obvious rumormongering at face value without a shread of evidence merely because of (admittedly deserved) lingering anger at the organization.

I believe he and the NHLPA have 60 days to file a grievance. Trust me when I say I don't think one is coming in this situation.

Hattrick Kane

Registered User
Oct 8, 2018
Now we’ll see what happens with the NHLPA. They may want to fight it, but if the Hawks offered to send Perry to rehab and he didn’t want to, then termination was the only other option.


Registered User
Jun 12, 2018
Now we’ll see what happens with the NHLPA. They may want to fight it, but if the Hawks offered to send Perry to rehab and he didn’t want to, then termination was the only other option.
I dont think rehab matters if its the incident that got him booted, if that makes sense. Seperate issues.

But the players have no idea whats going on. sureeee
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Pronounced T-Lay
Feb 28, 2015
Bomoseen, Vermont
The team is already under a microscope and are fully aware they need to conduct themselves with the utmost class and respect. Even so, you don't get your contract terminated for drinking too much at a team event.
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Registered User
Oct 24, 2019
Just because there weren't accusations off ice during his career make no mistake the guy has had a lot of success and where there's success things tend to get swept under the rug. You don't play the type of game Perry has played his entire career and not have that carry over into his personal life... it's too much pressure and those guys probably have different ways of blowing off steam. My guess is KD and the Hawks brass have installed a zero tolerance policy to protect the org. and Perry got the hook as a result.

Windy River

Registered User
Jan 31, 2013
True or not I don't get why it's even a remotely big deal - it's personal stuff people gotta stop putting their noses in other people's business, including their co-workers and families.
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Registered User
Oct 20, 2021
Just because there weren't accusations off ice during his career make no mistake the guy has had a lot of success and where there's success things tend to get swept under the rug. You don't play the type of game Perry has played his entire career and not have that carry over into his personal life... it's too much pressure and those guys probably have different ways of blowing off steam. My guess is KD and the Hawks brass have installed a zero tolerance policy to protect the org. and Perry got the hook as a result.
this also has made the most sense to me given all the messaging. something without legal ramifications to the hawks org, but something tragically self-destructive on Perry's part that still threatens the culture of the team in said "zero tolerance" way.
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Registered User
Jul 13, 2011
I don’t think the Blackhawks give a shit if stuff like this was looked over in the past by them or other orgs. You do something stupid at a corporate event or around the team you will not be a part of the organization. Zero tolerance.
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Registered User
Dec 20, 2015
IF the story is remotely true, then it was an HR situation for Perry. There is NO DOUBT the NHLPA will appeal on Perry's behalf. It's their job. They can't let the Hawks set a NHL precedent without opposition. A buyout is most likely.

If Perry was wronged by the Blackhawks, you would have heard a response from Perry's team AFTER the Hawks explained their reason PUBLICLY for termination. You don't let the organization control the narrative if you are unfairly treated. This is very different than responding to unfounded internet conspiracy theories by anonymous bloggers. This was a formal statement by the employer. I suspect Perry's team is looking to negotiate a buyout. I'm guessing that Perry is embarrassed by the entire situation IF true.

IF the story is true, it wasn't criminal but crossed the line and violated organization rules. Heck, it would violate the rules of almost all workplaces. IF true, the Blackhawks should be commended for holding everyone accountable ... including employees who are revenue generators / higher up the chain.

However, it is also acknowledged that we need more confirmation. A story from 1 publication is not enough ... not on a story this sensitive when someone's reputation is on the line.


Registered User
Jul 7, 2009
Chicago 'Burbs
IF the story is remotely true, then it was an HR situation for Perry. There is NO DOUBT the NHLPA will appeal on Perry's behalf. It's their job. They can't let the Hawks set a NHL precedent without opposition. A buyout is most likely.

If Perry was wronged by the Blackhawks, you would have heard a response from Perry's team AFTER the Hawks explained their reason PUBLICLY for termination. You don't let the organization control the narrative if you are unfairly treated. This is very different than responding to unfounded internet conspiracy theories by anonymous bloggers. This was a formal statement by the employer. I suspect Perry's team is looking to negotiate a buyout. I'm guessing that Perry is embarrassed by the entire situation IF true.

IF the story is true, it wasn't criminal but crossed the line and violated organization rules. Heck, it would violate the rules of almost all workplaces. IF true, the Blackhawks should be commended for holding everyone accountable ... including employees who are revenue generators / higher up the chain.

However, it is also acknowledged that we need more confirmation. A story from 1 publication is not enough ... not on a story this sensitive when someone's reputation is on the line.

If you violate the terms of your contract, you don't get to just negotiate a "buyout". You broke a conduct policy in your contract, and the contract is null and void. Hence the use of the word "termination". He's likely not going to appeal, because then exact details are going to emerge, and it's going to be an embarrassment for him and his family. The NHLPA only files a grievance or appeal at the request of the player.

And it's not the Hawks setting a precedent. Players(at least one I know off the top of my head) have already had their contracts terminated in the NHL for violating the code of conduct in their contracts.

In Richards' case, he did appeal, and they reached a settlement of less than half the money owed on the contract. Richards' situation is different than this, in that everything that happened, including details, were public knowledge already. With this not all being public already, Perry and his family may just choose to walk away from the million or two he may be awarded by a arbitrator, and save the embarrassment. It's not like he hasn't made a ton of money in his career, already.

I mean, I may be wrong on all this, but I doubt he bothers to appeal it. He's has been entirely quiet during all of this.
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Registered User
Jul 7, 2009
Chicago 'Burbs
Honestly I doubt the Hawks care about the money. They are here to rebuild their brand and that means a zero tolerance policy. If that means the NHLPA appeals and they lose, so be it.
Richards received 10m of 22.5m left on his contract, I believe.

Does Perry bother appealing when all he stands to gain is like 1m, but he and his family end up embarrassed in the public eye?

And yeah, I highly doubt the Hawks care about 1-2m.


Registered User
Dec 20, 2015
If you violate the terms of your contract, you don't get to just negotiate a "buyout". You broke a conduct policy in your contract, and the contract is null and void. Hence the use of the word "termination". He's likely not going to appeal, because then exact details are going to emerge, and it's going to be an embarrassment for him and his family. The NHLPA only files a grievance or appeal at the request of the player.

And it's not the Hawks setting a precedent. Players have already had their contracts terminated in the NHL for violating the code of conduct in their contracts.
The players union's job to protect their players. The NFLPA even appealed Greg Hardy's 10 game suspension after his atrocious allegations came out.

I suspect the NHL CBA is much like the NFL's where appeals will be handled behind closed doors through an arbiter. Even then, I suspect details of the story will come out regardless of an appeal.

Could Perry may not want the NHLPA to file a grievance. That is true. However, the NHLPA could see this action far bigger issue than Perry. This is from the Daily Faceoff article:

"The big question lingering is whether Perry’s alleged misconduct has risen to the level of a material breach of his contract. For the test of time, NHL player contracts have been ironclad agreements that guarantee employment with only vaguely worded and limited exceptions that grant teams the right to terminate.

Given the lack of detail provided by the Blackhawks, it is impossible to know whether Perry’s conduct met that mostly unprecedented level of material breach. Teams have previously sent players home and continued to pay them until the expiration of their contracts, but there does not appear to be one example in recent NHL history of an active player’s contract being terminated for conduct that may be inappropriate but not illegal. The Los Angeles Kings attempted to terminate Mike Richards’ contract in 2015, four months after he was charged with attempting to cross the border in possession of controlled substances, but even then the Kings were forced to pay cap recapture penalties and termination fees to Richards totaling $10.5 million over 17 years through 2032."


Hence, I think this will be a far bigger issue for the NHLPA than just Corey Perry. That said, I'm not defending Perry's alleged behavior. In fact, I commended the Hawks. However, it sounds like this level of NHL punishment is unprecedented if the Daily Faceoff story is true. IF so, the NHLPA will have a major issue. It's their job.


Registered User
Feb 22, 2013
Social media has provided an open and public place for all the morons to congregate and openly share their stupidity and ridiculous ideas/beliefs. It's not shocking that we see what we're seeing, honestly.
It stems from a place of feeling safe and invincible from accountability, where you can run your mouth without being popped in said mouth.


Registered User
May 26, 2012
The club statement earlier said specifically that the player violated the SPC rules and the Hawks own conduct rules. Seemed oddly specific to mention both if since the league hasn't taken any action.

I don't care what Perry did, that part is over, but I am curious if this thing is locked down or just starting. Hoping for the former but going to keep my ears up if it's the latter.

Anybody seen the actual language of a SPC before, not just the CBA language?


Registered User
Dec 20, 2015
The club statement earlier said specifically that the player violated the SPC rules and the Hawks own conduct rules. Seemed oddly specific to mention both if since the league hasn't taken any action.

I don't care what Perry did, that part is over, but I am curious if this thing is locked down or just starting. Hoping for the former but going to keep my ears up if it's the latter.

Anybody seen the actual language of a SPC before, not just the CBA language?
ChiHawks10 has a point. Perry might not want to file a grievance for the sake of embarrassment to his family. However, I suspect the NHLPA will have an issue with the punishment.

Hence, I think a buyout will be negotiated behind closed doors to appease the union if not Perry. Like the others have said, the Hawks aren't too concerned about a couple million dollars. However, the Hawks are far more concerned about setting the right culture. They should be applauded for it.


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