Don't get me wrong, I was giddy as a schoolboy when he showed up. His hallway scene was something I've wanted to see from Luke ever since ROTJ. The actual look is less important to me than whether or not the character feels genuine. I just think the technology still has that uncanny valley feeling, but that might be because I know they're doing it so I'm looking at it more closely than might normally.Some of it is probably the different types of audience watching. At my age seeing Hamill as thr Luke from post episode 6 was a fantastic moment. We never saw that. Jedi came out in what ‘81 or ‘82? I hadn’t seen Luke in 40 years? That’s a long time to wait for that moment. Remember it was leaked that Lucas had a 9 episode arc way back then. Given that I don’t keep up with Star Wars minutiae I was not expecting that and it had the maximum impact on me. But I’m old. I’m sure to a younger audience maybe pre-Darth Anakin or the cartoon characters mean much more. It was not perfect but just giving me some Jedi Luke after 40 years was a great moment and I’d thank Filoni and Favreau if I ever had the chance. Fan service isn’t always some sort of evil or lazy thing.
I've also been that Leo DiCaprio GIF pointing at the screen at the fan service throughout all these series and have pretty much enjoyed all of those moments. But Star Wars is like pizza to me. Sometimes it's amazing. Sometimes not so much. But rarely do I ever bitch about eating it. Well, maybe except Rise of Skywalker, which was a complete pile of shit, but even that had some cool moments.