I need about tree fiddy
Just finished Backlash 2002. I forgot Hulk won the strap one more time. He must not hold it long because I know by Vengeance 2002 Rock, Taker and Angle are gonna have that legendary triple threat and Taker was champ going in. God I can't wait
Also I was wrong about HHH. The most unrealistic thing WWF ever did was not having him be okay with not being champion a few months. It's him losing the title with any grace and dignity whatsoever
Vince must have listened to someone's advice to make Hogan the flavor of the month because it would've meant quick money that would've been more had HHH still been champ
Also I was wrong about HHH. The most unrealistic thing WWF ever did was not having him be okay with not being champion a few months. It's him losing the title with any grace and dignity whatsoever
Vince must have listened to someone's advice to make Hogan the flavor of the month because it would've meant quick money that would've been more had HHH still been champ