Clean Hits on Substack
I’m sorry, but your 1st paragraph doesn’t make logical sense to me.I believe he will have a higher risk of injury because he want / have to drive the play all the time. We have very limited offence and set up players. He will try to drive the play and get crushed. Second we have almost 3 lines of hacks. They will do stupid stuff to the opponents stars players. In return he will be targeted. I truly believe if he plays this year he will suffer major injury.
He’s a winner, used to winning and enjoys it. We are “trying” for another year of 20 wins. And guess what next year will be. Flying around in corporate jets and hotels sucks and gets old fast. You have to love what you are doing and enjoy your work. It what he spends 50 hours a week doing.
And your second paragraph isn’t relative. The options aren’t travel or don’t travel. They’re NHL travel or WHL travel.