Offered and lost
The fact of the matter is this,, and what I stated earlier.... its a slim chance you get a concussion from being knocked out.. but again, it all depends on where and how hard the impact was! 'how hard your brain smashes into your skull'
ETA: I am going out on a limb here and saying he doesn't have a concussion, but was knocked out from the impact, the thumbs up he gave and what Keefe said later on leads me to believe that he will be ok!, but only time will tell, but just my gut feeling!
Not nit picking or anything just something I learned from a guy a lot smarter than me that I thought was neat, concussions are shear injuries more than they're blunt impact injuries. Your brain is full of areas that have different densities. When your brain in your skull is accelerated/decelerated, the different densities lead to asymmetrical velocities, and that can shear your "wires." Think like, you're holding a three layer cake in a box on your lap in the car, and the driver slams on the brakes. Yeah the edges are gonna be f***ed up where they hit the box, but it's the separation of the layers that does the real damage.