He’s done for the rest of the playoffs for sure.
Mostly likely out for part of next season.
I wouldn’t be surprised if he doesn’t play next season
Get professional help.
He’s done for the rest of the playoffs for sure.
Mostly likely out for part of next season.
I wouldn’t be surprised if he doesn’t play next season
Are you watching da US playoffs .. not a cross checking penalty yet ... it has been eliminated from da ref playbook as happens every playoffsThat Montreal D likes to crosscheck players on the back even after Price freezes the puck...I would stand right next to Price and land on him with an elbow to the head if I got crosschecked after the play. Hyman received a heavy crosscheck after the play last night, he was on the ice for awhile catching his breath. The refs need to call these for roughing...a player shouldn't be allowed to crosscheck another player hard after the puck is frozen and the whistle goes.
That Montreal D likes to crosscheck players on the back even after Price freezes the puck...I would stand right next to Price and land on him with an elbow to the head if I got crosschecked after the play. Hyman received a heavy crosscheck after the play last night, he was on the ice for awhile catching his breath. The refs need to call these for roughing...a player shouldn't be allowed to crosscheck another player hard after the puck is frozen and the whistle goes.
Putting stuff like this out there is really where the mods should step in and press the delete button. Just conjecture without any basis or backing up.
That Montreal D likes to crosscheck players on the back even after Price freezes the puck...I would stand right next to Price and land on him with an elbow to the head if I got crosschecked after the play. Hyman received a heavy crosscheck after the play last night, he was on the ice for awhile catching his breath. The refs need to call these for roughing...a player shouldn't be allowed to crosscheck another player hard after the puck is frozen and the whistle goes.
Get professional help.
Seriously? Thankfully he has been discharged from hospital and probably has a concussion.Yes the hit looked really bad but to say that is just plain silly.Thats really scary and upsetting. Forget about hockey for a second, he almost lost his life.
#WinItForJT is trending on twitter and a fundraiser has been setup too. Love to see that.
Seriously? Thankfully he has been discharged from hospital and probably has a concussion.Yes the hit looked really bad but to say that is just plain silly.
Are you unaware of how serious concussions came be?
are you forgetting what happened to Crosby?
First this
Few days later got hit by hedman
missed the remainder of the season and didn’t start the next season until November 21.
wasn’t ready to player for almost 11 months.
he played a few games and was out again until March.
I care more about his health than I do about hockey
That post was made after JT was already released from hospital. To say "he almost lost his life" is a complete fabrication. At no time was that even remotely possible based on the result.Not really that silly
Cervical cord damage could physically end your life (respiratory suppression) or give you paralysis from the neck down (impact your quality of life).
The tests that were run on JT were to make sure his cervical cord and brain were intact
Dude. I am aware. But I ain’t stupid enough to come on here and say he won’t play next season. I am not a doctor. If you are then enlighten us. He is the captain of our maple leafs. I don’t want to read about worst care scenarios from people who know nothing about this and are just assuming things.
All we know right now is that he is home under supervision. He has cleared all tests. We don’t even know if he has a concussion. If you do link it here. He probably just. A knee to head is bad.
Crosby missed the rest of his season (January and on) and didn’t play the next season until November 21.
From this hit.
I want the best for JT.
He should not return to play for the remainder of the playoffs.
JT gets interfered, tripped, slashed elbowed, punched in the face all without getting a call. I’ve never witness a player get so much abuse and still bounce back and continue playing more than JT.