(Replying initially to DPR's post of tweets.)
She needs to run those numbers vs ~4 years ago. I'm guessing that is where the dramatic difference is going to be. The changes haven't been sudden over the past year, they've been over the past 3 years.
Been working all day, had a chance to read a lot, but not say anything, so I'm brain dumping now.
1: To those commenting about lack of parking - I've seen it several times - note the plans include a 2,000 space lot under the arenas.
2: Mayor Bowser ... (from
While Bowser said she had been negotiating with Leonsis in good faith for months, the seemingly last-minute nature of the “best and final” offer caused critics to privately question whether she had moved with enough urgency as Virginia’s efforts to woo Leonsis ramped up.
She said at a news conference Wednesday that she had.
“We believe that we put all of the money that we could on the table when we could,” Bowser said, noting that D.C. was running up against its borrowing cap earlier this year, hamstringing negotiations. A shifting financial picture allowed D.C. to refinance some of its debt this fall, she said, creating an avenue to make Leonsis’s company, Monumental, a more attractive cash offer. “We were aggressive about it.”
Bowser and Mendelson appeared to ramp up their efforts as Wednesday’s announcement neared, privately laying out $500 million public financing offer on Sunday, money that would be borrowed over three years as part of the capital budget.
Meanwhile, the Virginia Economic Development Partnership vote was scheduled for (and conducted) on Monday. I'm guessing this Sunday offer was a last ditch thing when they got word of the VDEP vote. Too little too late. Ted was asking over the summer for policy, and from my observations that hasn't changed. Maybe if she had showed a little good faith by doing that in the meantime he would've been more willing to listen and be patient.
‘We are still in the game’: Mayor Bowser says DC is holding out hope that Wizards, Caps will stay put - WTOP News)
While she emphasized the city’s focus is on downtown, which she called the “best location for the teams,” she left other “multi-acre sites” in D.C. open as possibilities.
“If they want a campus style, it may take a couple of years, but we would have RFK, and we would have the FBI,” the mayor said.
Uhh, someone needs to tell her at present the FBI is going to MD. (EDIT and yeah, I think i know what she means when she says 'RFK' ... but who wants to tell her that RFK Stadium technically doesn't exist anymore? And bringing the Commanders there is far from a done deal.)
From same:
Monumental has been in negotiations with the District for months, the mayor said. The city’s $500 million in the deal comes out of its capital budget, which pays for building and infrastructure by relying on borrowers — but there’s a debt cap in place.
Initially, the city was faced with caps that limited the amount of cash it was able to borrow. But recent interest rates and inflation numbers made for an improved refinancing report.
“That gave us room to put that kind of cash on the table,” Bowser said.
(psst, ms bowser, inflation hasn't changed much over the past few months, and the Federal funds interest rates having changed since July. I'm no economist... but it seems to me like the variables you cite haven't actually changed recently.)
Alright, I'm done with her.
3: Ted. I have mixed feelings. I actually don't like him. And haven't since he took a hardline stance during the last lockout. But I can't really blame him. At all. No doubt he has long been recognized for being ahead of the curve on 'tech'. The ideas of what he can do with his property .. it should be impressive.
Now, I hate public funds for billionaire's toys. And I hate it in this case too. I live in Virginia - 4.1 miles away from the arena. Luckily in Arlington, not Alexandria, so none of my taxes, etc should be directly affected. I know they're saying it will not have any impact on taxes or other ability to spend for Alexandria or Virginia, but, as Marcus Simon (Virginia House Democrat) said on X, "Trust but verify."
That said, I do appreciate that Ted is putting his own money into this,
$403M per at least one source. Ironically, with DC's offer on Sunday he would have had to pay $300M towards the $800M renovation cost. So he's actually paying more for this.
Fairly interesting, but maybe has nothing to do with this, that Ted is widely thought of as a Democrat.
Most of his political contributions over the years have been to Democrats. I think all of his National campaign contributions have been. But he contributes to Republicans AND Democrats at the state level. The last Virginia election, he actually contributed $10K (the max?) to both Youngkin and Terry McAuliffe's campaigns. (and he actually did it on the same day. Hedging his bets I guess.) Of note, he then contributed another $10K in January 2023 to Youngkin's PAC.
Like I said, may not mean anything. But I found it interesting. [For the record, I voted for McAuliffe, and am generally not a fan of Youngkin's politics.]
I lost track of numbers... 4? But anyway.
I saw somewhere today - can't find the source now - that $200M of the construction costs are in roadways and transportation improvements. Not sure what exactly you can build these days with that money ... but at least there is something accounting for it now.
Maybe lastly .. I reserve the right to post more later... I don't want them to leave downtown. It really is a perfect location for everyone. But I don't blame him. One bit. Even though I don't like the guy.
Oh and at the risk of a sidetracked thing of strong opinions ... I hate pot. Absolutely f'ing hate it. The smell, everything. People walk around downtown like it's totally legal to smoke it anywhere.
It's not. It's still a criminal action to smoke weed in any public space. OK there. Sorry, I just deal with it every damned day, and can't walk down down 7th St next to the arena without getting overloaded by it, even at lunchtime. I've stopped frequenting those restaurants. Sorry again. Bye for now.