I thought it was just OK...kind of anticlimactic.
No hail of bullets, no Silence of the Lambs or Shawshank Redemption type escape, no crazy schemes or twists...just confessing and going to jail.
Maybe I'm missing something. I get the "oh he finally got a fully-developed conscience and he sacrificed maybe the rest of his life out of solidarity with Kim" but it's still sort of a vanilla resolution.
Overall I was hoping for some really weird twists to justify the build up. Like maybe finding out the 2 accomplices were setting him up by working with a fake cancer patient, possibly after being contacted by either the Salamancas or even Howard's wife. I even imagined a scenario where the latter was the REAL pursuer because she'd found something out about Howard's death and hired mercs to track Saul down. And then he has to pull some crazy shit to play the hired muscle against the cartel, all with the Feds bearing down and possibly being handed the other two factions on a platter.
Shit like that.
Not just getting ratted out by an old lady and then confessing and going to jail forever.