Went to the game this afternoon. Just a few thoughts:
- Goaltending (based on this outing only) should be a fairly easy choice. Villalta did not look good, made bad positioning choices and handled the puck like it was a raw egg.
- Nobody would have played their way onto the lineup today. A couple of good plays defensively and some good goaltending by DiPietro and Scott were the only bright lights.
- Some good foot speed on Canada, but not a ton of offensve creativity on display. A lot of guys trying hard to make pretty plays, but without any real chemistry those efforts were for naught.
- An awful lot of shoot-first forwards, which is a bonus if it opens up passing lanes, but when you are playing against mature, poised opponents (like, say, a group of men playing against teenagers), low percentage shots won’t break them out of their defensive coverage.
- Relax, everybody. It’s a tryout game with a bunch of players who aren’t going to be on the roster, and the real games are two weeks away.
Also: Formenton was walking with a big brace, a noticeable limp, and carrying his crutches. I am not a doctor so I won’t even guess what that means.