Pre-Game Talk: Bring on the canucks! (schedule added post#1)


Registered User
Apr 29, 2011
Thats crazy :laugh: By my eyes I noticed Marleau doing it much more than Pavs. I guess this further proves its the most inconsistent real time stat.

Marleau has been noticeably more physical this year, and his better hits to my eye are definately more jarring than Pavelski. Given Marleau is 30# heavier and a stronger skater, physics is on his side.


Mar 12, 2009
San Francisco
Not that he was going to improve his overall play, but that his scoring would increase slightly, which it did. Don't put words in my mouth.

No it didn't. I had to dig through posts, but you said that on March 19 (that his scoring would increase).
Since then: 4 points in 19 games. Before that point: 8 points in 19 games. That's the opposite of increasing.


Outro: Divina Comedia
Dec 21, 2009
Bay Area
No it didn't. I had to dig through posts, but you said that on March 19 (that his scoring would increase).
Since then: 4 points in 19 games. Before that point: 8 points in 19 games. That's the opposite of increasing.

I never denied that I said that I thought Irwin's even strength production would increase. I'm denying that I said that Irwin's play would improve, which is what you claimed I said.

Point shares decreased then. I'd bet the goals he was on the ice for increased.


Mar 12, 2009
San Francisco
I never denied that I said that I thought Irwin's even strength production would increase.

But you did just say "his scoring would increase slightly, which it did", even though it didn't.

Point shares decreased then. I'd bet the goals he was on the ice for increased.

Sounds like a completely different point than what you made earlier.
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Gene Parmesan

Dedicated to babies who came feet first
Jul 23, 2009
Physicality is perhaps overrated as a practical element to one's game, but is underrated as a way to judge a player's mentality. Not talking about pure hitting (ala Douglas Murray) that can set a tone on a game-by-game basis, but your general Cal Clutterbuck-style hitting.

There is a definite stigma attached to players (especially those with size) who don't play physically.

Think about back in the day, players who didn't block shots. It hurt to block a shot, and really, it was a marginal team gain for a big personal sacrifice...the individual takes the pain and risk of an injury in exchange for stopping a mini-scoring chance.

Physicality is the same. Hitting a guy may slightly help in getting the puck from him, but it seriously wears down on the body. Over a career, its going to cost a player billable years. There is always going to be the notion that players who don't want to engage physically are putting the name on the back ahead of the logo on the front.

Hitting and shot blocking are at an all time high and the padding now enables players to do this. I think hitting is misleading because usually it means you're chasing the puck all night but in the Sharks recent game against Dallas..they hit the Stars D all night and by the 3rd period they wanted no part of holding the puck especially Goligoski.


Outro: Divina Comedia
Dec 21, 2009
Bay Area
But you did just say "his scoring would increase slightly, which it did", even though it didn't.

Sounds like a completely different point than what you made earlier.

I assumed even point shares, which is my mistake. Regardless, I'll amend it to "scoring will increase with Irwin on the ice".


Mar 12, 2009
San Francisco
I assumed even point shares, which is my mistake. Regardless, I'll amend it to "scoring will increase with Irwin on the ice".

Couldn't that just be luck though? I don't remember him being actively involved in a number of goals, and he's actually looked worse in the 2nd half of the season.


Outro: Divina Comedia
Dec 21, 2009
Bay Area
Couldn't that just be luck though? I don't remember him being actively involved in a number of goals, and he's actually looked worse in the 2nd half of the season.

Agreed, but I think that's more due to Boyle's play than Irwin's (although that's not to absolve Irwin as he has to be better).

And yes, it is due to luck. That was the whole point all along. :laugh:


Registered User
May 27, 2010
Los Angeles
Hitting and shot blocking are at an all time high and the padding now enables players to do this. I think hitting is misleading because usually it means you're chasing the puck all night but in the Sharks recent game against Dallas..they hit the Stars D all night and by the 3rd period they wanted no part of holding the puck especially Goligoski.

Hitting is both the most Overrated BUT Underrated stat there is.

People under value hitting because no one on these forums knows what it feels like to be hit in the NHL.


Outro: Divina Comedia
Dec 21, 2009
Bay Area
In the 19 games between the start of the season and March 19th, Matt Irwin was on the ice for 2 EV goals for. In the 19 games since, Matt Irwin was on the ice for 9 EV goals for.

First 19
Last 19

BOOM *****! :P


Outro: Divina Comedia
Dec 21, 2009
Bay Area
That was really the whole point of the initial argument though, that people didn't think he would sustain his offensive point production, and he didn't.

Sure, but points aren't everything. :laugh:

Okay, you win this one. But if you're on the ice for a goal, you're making an impact. Like I said, with a maintained IPP then he'd have increased his point totals. But look at Boyle's point totals, You can't tell me that has nothing to do with it. And the fact that at the beginning of the year those two were playing behind Marleau-Thornton-Pavelski, and now they're playing behind lesser lights.


Outro: Divina Comedia
Dec 21, 2009
Bay Area
I know it's a double post, but it deserves its own:

Per Pollak:

If you’re curious, the Sharks are 25-7-4 the last three seasons wearing the black jerseys, were 5-1-2 this past season and are 10-13 overall in the playoffs.


Mar 12, 2009
San Francisco
I know it's a double post, but it deserves its own:

Per Pollack:

If you’re curious, the Sharks are 25-7-4 the last three seasons wearing the black jerseys, were 5-1-2 this past season and are 10-13 overall in the playoffs.


Outro: Divina Comedia
Dec 21, 2009
Bay Area
It would be more interesting compared to Teal considering our home record, but I like the Black Jersey's and it's only important that they like them IMO.

I agree. I like the teal better, but I'm not the one wearing it. They can wear whatever makes them feel better.


Oct 31, 2011
Except the Sharks' black unis actually look decent compared to other black unis


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