I guess its tough to be objective as a Habs fan.
His whining around the refs is absolutely comical.
He whines about goals disallowed when he is clearly in the paint, he clearly hits the goalie, when it is clearly stated its a penalty.
He has literally zero respect from any referee. He even got served a "Go f*** yourself" by Dean Morton this year because he was whining so much and throwing a tantrum.
He has whined and whined about the attention Subban got and Im pretty sure hes at the root of Subban getting traded away (Probably with Patches.)
How many times have you seen him break his stick in the past 2 or 3 years? How many helmets thrown? How many gloves thrown? Tantrums. Thats a lack of composure. Reacting emotionally is the sign of a poor leader.
How many times have you heard him say "We/I deserved..." ? On the opposite end, how many times have you heard him say "We have to be better/were not good enough...".
He is entitled and it is also a sign of poor leadership.
Gallagher has no respect around the league because he is too emotional and entitled.