Brand split is terrible. All it does is limit the options available any given week. Properly booking the whole roster fixes any problems that a brand split supposedly remedies.
There should be one main show, with another show focused more on wrestling and one off stories. Not surprising that this format existed when wrestling was in its attitude era heyday.
I don't really agree with the line of thinking that the brand split is a terrible concept, there are many pros:
- More rest for the talent
- More opportunities for talent to succeed
- Cover more niches (introduction of cruiserweights) and target different audiences. SD could have a more NXT vibe (more focus on wrestling & great athletes) while RAW can be focused on promos and story telling.
- It makes Smackdown relevant again
- It can elevate a title
- Brand exclusive PPVs are a step in the right direction with the network being a thing. They can focus more on the midcard and give them proper feuds.
For those that argue that it will be the same matches over and over again, I disagree, with the proper booking it can be easily avoidable. With the cruiserweight tournament (which I think is pretty damn linked with today's news), you'll have an influx of new talent that comes in and will allow a ton of new matchups.