Post-Game Talk: Avs @ Rangers: The Legend of Ryan O'Reilly


Registered User
Nov 27, 2005
Atlanta, GA
Call me crazy but I think we're a better team than Colorado. Those guys are more dangerous offensively, but their defense is just so poor. I think we have a better chance in the playoffs than them.

they keep drafting really really strong forwards. ROR, Duchene, Stastny, Landeskog, MacKinnon..

thats an insane top 5


Registered User
Oct 26, 2012
Missoula, MT
You see what a player has done for you, what they are doing now, and what they can offer moving forward. He has played very well since being back, and tonight's game was just an indication of what he can still bring to this organization.

And what they can offer moving forward. Precisely. I feel confident he can be an asset this year. I feel fairly confident he can be an asset for another couple years. I feel not very confident he can be for more than 3 or 4 years, and I feel pretty confident it would be a detriment to have him for 7 years (at the price it takes to keep him).

He already turned down a great offer so at what expense are you comfortable keeping him.

People don't seem to realize that even Brad Richards was less of a question mark leading into his contract than Cally would be, and that Richards contract quickly reared it's ugly truth.


Registered User
Apr 10, 2004
BR was great and has played real well lately.

Callahan is getting back into form after his injuries. I am not quite sure why Kreider is on a PP and Cally is not? Not easy to figure out. Kreider hasn't been good in 20 games it seems like, and he is giving the puck away a lot.

McD and Staal were just tremendous last night. Amazing play.

The depth we have is really paying off. Stepan was not on tonight, Hags-BR-Cally comes through. Even the 4th line is playing really well.

On the Avs, alot of those Western teams with insane records are kind of weak in some areas, so are Colorado. Its going to be a completely diffrent game playing Pittsburgh.

Also, I get the lure of someone like Stasny, sure he is a decent hockey player, but is it really worth to dump Cally and Stralman and buy out Richards just to be able to afford him at a 7 year 9m per deal? I know many talks about the need for this team to start to take a bunch of step backwards before steps forwards can be taken. But the grass always has a tendency to be greener...


Registered User
May 13, 2012
BR was great and has played real well lately.

Callahan is getting back into form after his injuries. I am not quite sure why Kreider is on a PP and Cally is not? Not easy to figure out. Kreider hasn't been good in 20 games it seems like, and he is giving the puck away a lot.

McD and Staal were just tremendous last night. Amazing play.

The depth we have is really paying off. Stepan was not on tonight, Hags-BR-Cally comes through. Even the 4th line is playing really well.

On the Avs, alot of those Western teams with insane records are kind of weak in some areas, so are Colorado. Its going to be a completely diffrent game playing Pittsburgh.

Also, I get the lure of someone like Stasny, sure he is a decent hockey player, but is it really worth to dump Cally and Stralman and buy out Richards just to be able to afford him at a 7 year 9m per deal? I know many talks about the need for this team to start to take a bunch of step backwards before steps forwards can be taken. But the grass always has a tendency to be greener...

I've been thinking this as well lately. Kreider needs to go back to play pre-Tyutin hit hockey (can't tell for this game yet). I'm not saying that call per se messed with his head, but he seems more reluctant to make those physical plays that made him so good before since then.

Ans Stastny won't get 9 per. If a team is actually stupid enough to pay him that, it will be by far worse than someone signing Callahan @ 6 over 7 years.

On the game itself, I'm not gonna comment yet, since I have to watch the full recap first.


Dec 7, 2007
Soft euro
We looked like annoying ****ing mosquitoes from the opening face off. The guys were all over the Avs and never held back. A textbook way to play against a team that played the night before.

Big win. GG!


Registered User
May 3, 2012
I think he actually gets to do analysis now that we're winning, rather than just lamenting the poor luck on-air.

It's not dissimilar to this board, actually.

Before there were games where you'd think he was a homer for the other team. Then they'd yuck it up over something not even about the game. He flashed the old style when he went on and on about Alexei Kovalev and Herb Brooks, but that's been it for quite a while now.


No hat trick for Cally, trade him, he was his old self last night, all over the ice, good for you Cally!


Registered User
May 3, 2012
BR was great and has played real well lately.

Callahan is getting back into form after his injuries. I am not quite sure why Kreider is on a PP and Cally is not? Not easy to figure out. Kreider hasn't been good in 20 games it seems like, and he is giving the puck away a lot.

McD and Staal were just tremendous last night. Amazing play.

The depth we have is really paying off. Stepan was not on tonight, Hags-BR-Cally comes through. Even the 4th line is playing really well.

On the Avs, alot of those Western teams with insane records are kind of weak in some areas, so are Colorado. Its going to be a completely diffrent game playing Pittsburgh.

Also, I get the lure of someone like Stasny, sure he is a decent hockey player, but is it really worth to dump Cally and Stralman and buy out Richards just to be able to afford him at a 7 year 9m per deal? I know many talks about the need for this team to start to take a bunch of step backwards before steps forwards can be taken. But the grass always has a tendency to be greener...

Stepan is the guy who should be sat for Callahan on that unit. Callahan and Kreider could switch off on net front duties, and when Kreider is away from the net he's be better than Stepan at moving the puck,since he has way better hands and is a superior passer.


Registered User
Feb 6, 2010
New York, NY
such a complete game.. great to see..

McK is sick!! he will be a special special player.. he reminds me of stamkos, very skilled and fast, and i think with time he'll get that sick release and scorers touch..

they are set for a number of years.. if they can build up their d they will rival many teams out west for years to come.. the funny thing is they rebuilt there team pretty quick and Edm has yet to have any kind of success like CO.. so sad, and they have noclue wtf they're doing out there!

imo after watching statsy play, like most stated.. i dont try and sign him.. hes richards 2.0, plays a similar game, just not worth the investment.. i rather bring up miller have bras and step center top 2 lines, with a richards buyout...


Registered User
May 3, 2012
Glad somebody in this thread noticed that Stepan was not on again, including 2 atrocious giveaways in his own end that resulted in sustained press for the Avs. After 3 days rest...and people keep bollocking Brassard for being inconsistent. 1goal and 2 assists behind Step he is, playing with Pouliot. Yes Zuccamonster is the genius running that show but Brassard is doing his part. Stepan is a passenger.

Re: Stepan...I know I won't be shocked if he's moved this summer. He's an excellent player for a clogging team but in thus system his lesser abilities are evident. Just look at that line game after game, Nash mostly has to go it alone and in the zone Kreider is the creative force.

Lion Hound

Mar 12, 2007
Montauk NY
On the jumbotron last night they did a little segment for Anthony Duclair. Hot prospect of the week or whatever. First time I can remember the Rangers showing a prospect in JRs during a game.


Registered User
May 30, 2013
Am I the only one thats worried we havent scored on the PP in a while

Yeah you are.

The PP has been great even though it isn't scoring. We're also making up for it with ES goals, 18 ES goals in our last 4 games.


Registered User
Feb 27, 2002
Danbury, CT
reading the Av's board, it seems like AV knows how to match his lines against the Colorado team pretty well.

The last change had a significant impact on last nights results.


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