It's improved, but it's definitely still poor. At its peak, his skating will be NHL average imo, and it goes down from there.
Per the Black Book:
"If there’s a drawback to Othmann, it’s in terms of his skating. We won’t attempt to sugar coat it; Brennan has the worst skating mechanics out of any of the top end players featured in this class. He’s not the most fluid looking prospect on the ice, and his physical limitations can be seen in every part of his skating. With Brennan, it starts with his ankles which lack proper flexion, specifically dorsiflexion. Due to his restrictive ankles, it significantly reduces his ability to transfer his power through his push-offs.
He also features a hunched over posture, rigid shoulder rotation within his upper half when he’s attempting to gain speed, short and sloppy crossovers, and an inconsistency within his inability to counterbalance his weight out of turns. Basically, it looks like he’s fighting through every inch of himself when attempting to push off and propel forward."
"Othmann is one of the rarest player types, with a difficult deficiency to overcome. We don’t think all the mechanics within his skating are correctable, his ankles have the mobility of iron rods, and there’s a level of fluidity which he simply lacks, but we also don’t think it’s going to stop him due to the amount of power he’s already generating at his age, and given how raw he is in his physical development. The stride won’t look great but we think his pace and overall competitiveness will help him compensate"