Minnesota to me is not worse than Montreal, but because of different conferences and histories of the franchises most people probably think they're a lot worse than Montreal.
Hawks will win the cup again
Hawks will win the cup again
Every year, it amazes me how some players seem to up their game routinely in the playoffs.
Bryan Bickel looks to be one. I know it's easy and makes logical sense to attribute it to luck and sample size. But watching game after game I really believe to an extent there is something real to it.
Why? It wouldn't have counted if it went in.
Did anyone ever get a reason why we are forced to to play back to back and finish by the 13th when another series finishes on the 16th?
I'm..confused by this statement to say the least. But the answer will always be the NHL scheduling comitee if clearly filled with morons (or the usual conspiracy theory thing) (Scheduling did not conflict with either arena so that was not a reason)
I think the reasoning is that for personal statistical purposes, the goalie would still want to get credit for the save.
Hawks/Kings would make for an awesome Western Conference Final matchup!
Good article about the Blackhawks/Leafs and advanced stats.