eco's bones
Registered User
professional athletes can lose all their money much faster than an average person and have much shorter career windows. the jack johnson story should be a screeching reminder. he might be in the top earners but he is signficantly less protected than those that he's in company with and from a young age has had to surround himself with the right people to make sure he can sustain himself for the rest of his career.
man you took this quote way too literally.
it's a critique of how harsh we're critiquing someone for............admitting they had a bad season and saying they ****ed up. some posters would love nothing more than for him to say "i'm an abject disappointment and deserve nothing but the worst. I ****ing suck".
Well you write something--did you mean for us to not take it seriously and read it un-literally?
As far as Johnson goes he's kind of an exceptional case (and his goofball parents have a lot to do with his problems) and I hardly think Shatty's run through all his cash. What I would suspect is he has his agent and financial advisers and quite likely has seeded some of his earnings into other investments and has made even more. That I would think is more the general trend with most athletes these days--apart maybe from boxers who have been notoriously screwed throughout history. But again as we know Kevin is getting millions more from the Rangers in the next four years + Tampa's paying him now too.
Look---I made less than $2 mil between the mid 70's and early 2013 when I retired. I know exactly how much because I applied for Social Security and they send you a form detailing your earnings from year to year and all you have to do is add it all up. I'm doing very much okay (or better than most people I know) with pensions and everything else even if my earnings don't even approach what Kevin's made by age 30. In that regard he is a f***ing lucky guy. I've lost jobs along the way and I know plenty of people who have lost everything from losing their jobs. What age it happens for instance can really f*** someone over. He's not a Ranger anymore sure--but he's still living the life of a very successful pro athlete. He should be just fine financially when his hockey career is over.