Around the NHL 2022-2023 *Mod warning in effect pg145

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Registered User
Dec 2, 2021
Playing in the NHL isn't a right, it is a privilege that has to be earned through hard work, talent, dedication, being a semi decent person, etc....... This Miller kid can stay the F away from this league. I don't want people like him who do racist stuff and on top of that show no remorse or conscious to their actions. Plus that whole family is crazy


Registered User
Mar 6, 2014
Central Florida
Playing in the NHL isn't a right, it is a privilege that has to be earned through hard work, talent, dedication, being a semi decent person, etc....... This Miller kid can stay the F away from this league. I don't want people like him who do racist stuff and on top of that show no remorse or conscious to their actions. Plus that whole family is crazy

I'm sure plenty of current and former NHL players contradict your statement. I guarantee there are several players in the NHL who have done worse than Miller but it hasn't been proven/widely known. While not worse, Tony D'Angelo was suspended multiple times in the OHL for violating the league's racist and homophobic language policy. He has not shown remorse. He is making $5M this year playing in the NHL.

It is not what Miller did that is keeping him from playing, it is the fact the media picked up on it and the NHL cares about their image. They don't actually care about fighting racism, preventing bullying, or any of that. They care that the fans that care think they do.

I am not saying Miller should be allowed to play. What he did was awful and I don't want that rewarded. I do hope there is a path to redemption for him. He was a child when it happened. What he did, at that age, is learned behavior, most likely from his parents. I hope he is given the tools and a chance to be better. Its up to him to use those tools and improve, something it looks like he has failed to do so far.

I am not arguing that the NHL shouldn't bar terrible people from playing. I just don't think it does. I think this was an isolated incident and a chance to for the NHL to appear to be doing the right thing.


reckless optimism
Jun 9, 2015
Playing in the NHL isn't a right, it is a privilege that has to be earned through hard work, talent, dedication, being a semi decent person, etc....... This Miller kid can stay the F away from this league. I don't want people like him who do racist stuff and on top of that show no remorse or conscious to their actions. Plus that whole family is crazy

I mean we literally have guys that play/played in the NHL that have tried to murder people ON the ice DURING a game and people like Marchand who attempt to end peoples careers on a near nightly basis. Let's not forget Tom Wilson but ya dude, you must be a semi decent person :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:

Linkens Mastery

Conductor of the TankTown Express
Jan 15, 2014
Scary scene between TBL and Edm. Maroon accidently got his skateblade across E. Kane's Wrist slicing him open.


No. 5 in your programs, No. 1 in your hearts
Jul 2, 2015
There was a lot of blood on the ice after the Kane wrist incident. Scary stuff.
Apr 30, 2012
St. Louis, MO
With the amount of blood that was on the ice immediately following the cut, that could have turned out very badly. I’m really glad they have such good trainers and medical staff in house during games.

I wouldn’t be surprised in the slightest to end up hearing the artery was severed.

Bye Bye Blueston

HFBoards Sponsor
Dec 4, 2016
Houston, TX
Millers victim sent this to Hockey Diversity Alliance.


Registered User
Aug 5, 2011
I'm about 30 minutes in (to the main podcast where they discuss Miller, not the agent interview) and they've already blatantly misstated the facts of two major points related to the case based on 'people are telling me.' They refer to the fact that you can find the police report out there yet it is painfully obvious that they didn't read it. Incredibly, they are off on the year of the incident by 2 years. It happened in 2016 despite them advertising the podcast as "what really happened in 2014." Off to a great start.

First and foremost, the insinuation that it wasn't racially motivated is straight up nonsense. When a white kid is telling a black kid, "no one wants your n**** lips on his slushie" and telling him to "go pick some cotton" it is pretty f***ing obviously racially motivated. The victim and two witnesses told police that Miller called him a n***** during the incident that day with one of those witnesses saying Miller uses the word all the time. Acting like race wasn't a factor here is a complete fiction.

As importantly, Strickland is parroting the same story that Miller told police that they offered the urinal push pop to numerous students. There is video of the interaction that was reviewed by police and their conclusion was that "the video clearly discredits this statement. Their were no other kids in the immediate areas when Isaiah approached and they were not offering the push pop to anyone until they offered it to Isaiah."

This take that "the media" is only telling one side of a story that has two sides is bullshit. It's the narrative Miller and his family started pushing as soon as the started talking to police. Multiple witnesses and a video of the incident discredit it. This bullshit is exactly why this guy shouldn't be in the NHL. He has attempted to minimize his own conduct and deny what happened since 2016. And now his agent is doing a media tour on platforms that want to push a cancel culture narrative in order to keep lying about the facts and create sympathy for his client.

The magistrate who handled his case lectured him about not showing actual remorse beyond being upset that he was facing consequences. A pretty thorough investigation clearly demonstrates that his version of events isn't true and his camp continues to deny that. It is ludicrous to paint this as a 'both side' narrative.

Read the police report.

Strickland should be ashamed of this piss poor excuse for journalism. He begins with the premise that the only side told so far is from Isaiah's family, completely ignores all of the actual investigation that has been reported on and then 'does his research' by talking to Miller's agent and unnamed people who 'know what really happened.' Absolutely embarrassing.

Edit: oh cool, they moved on to sarcastically saying no one has the video and implying that the victim lied about what happened since they can't see the video. Despite the reality that it was collected by police, described in the police report and relied on in the judicial determination that Miller did in fact assault the victim. Jesus Christ this is a joke. For anyone with the limited knowledge of the justice system that Strickland is pretending to have, defendants are entitled to all of the evidence against them. Miller and his family were entitled to the video. If they got rid of it, the case was recent enough that their attorney would still have a copy for them to obtain. If the MIller's agent wanted his interview host to have the video, that host would have the video.

Edit #2 after listening to the interview with the agent. The agent repeats the exact story that Miller didn't target Isaiah because he offered it to other kids first. Again, this is in direct contradiction to the officer's determination that the video directly discredits the claim. It is also in direct contradiction to the co-defendant's statement that "they were planning to give it to Isaiah." When asked about Miller's use of racial slurs, the explanation is that the two of them had a dysfunctional friendship, Isaiah used the n word, and that Miller started to use it as a term of endearment toward Isaiah. The claim is that any usage of the word would have been with an 'a' on the end and not as a slur. Again, the reported statements made were "no one wants your n**** lips on his slushie" and a suggestion that Isaiah go pick cotton. The physical assault following the 'non-targeted, non-racially motivated' push pop portion of the incident is not discussed. It's a parade of "I want to clear up the misconceptions" by offering half-truths and misrepresentations about some of the uglier portions and completely ignoring other portions.
Given what was just released from Akim Aliu from the Hockey Diversity Alliance, everyone speaking in that show should be Punished for spreading such BS. The victim asked for this to be released according by to the HDA.


It’s heartbreaking what the victim went through and made even worse what he’s currently going through. “Not racially motivated” my ass.


Registered User
Apr 24, 2014
That is a sad letter to read, but it isn't at all surprising to me that Isaiah quickly and unambiguously made it clear that Miller's agent wasn't being remotely truthful in his description of events.

I hope Mitchell Miller never plays a game in the NHL. He very obviously hasn't learned any lesson over the last 6 years. His agent publicly said that conversations with NHL teams started up over the summer. And shortly after that Miller starts blowing up Isaiah's phone to "apologize" and be friends. He tries to make it clear that it totally isn't about hockey, even though it had been almost 2 full years since his draft rights were renounced and it just so happens that he had just recently started negotiating with NHL teams.

And now the victim is getting harassed again by asshats who bought his agent's bullshit cancel culture martyrdom sales pitch hook line and sinker. I'm beyond disgusted that Miller and his agent decided to go with the strategy that Miller has been unfairly portrayed by 'the media.' His agent is co-founder and the head of an agency that touts $1.5B in negotiated NHL contracts. He was admittedly in negotiations with teams for months and did exactly zero things to try and rehabilitate Miller's public image prior to the signing.

Acting like there just wasn't a platform for Miller to get 'his side' out is insulting. Miller or his agent could have presented all of this information alongside the Bruins at the press conference announcing the signing. They could have sat down and done a 1 on 1 TV interview with ESPN, TNT, or Sportsnet at any point before or shortly after the signing. They could have gone on any of the 100+ hockey podcasts before the signing to get his side out there. They could have released a video of Miller or his agent outlining 'his side' either before or after the Bruins announced the signing. They could have issued a basic written press release outlining everything. They didn't do any of those things and so far have provided zero indication that they tried to do any of them but were denied the opportunity.

Instead, they did none of those things and let the Bruins take the first dozen or so PR bullets. Then they have the audacity to come out and pretend like the big scary media is only willing to tell one side of the story and that Miller is really just an unfortunate victim of cancel culture.

Spare me.

Mitchell Miller is still not willing to truly own up to his awful behavior from when he was a kid. Behavior that the victim to this day maintains was a long-term pattern of abuse. He was told by a judicial officer then that his only remorse seemed to be that he was facing consequences and nothing about the way he's handled the last 2 years of consequences suggest that has changed.

I hope he never steps foot in an NHL locker room.

Stealth JD

Don't condescend me, man.
Jan 16, 2006
Bonita Springs, FL
Mitch Miller is a sick sadistic f***. Any team who chooses to employ him deserves the massive and rightful scorn bestowed upon them by their fanbase. Having said that, if he went to the AHL or SHL and became a league-star, you know some NHL owner will someday come calling again after the heat dies down. Methinks the Bruins expected the Miller signing to fly under the radar, as yesterday's news, with a redemption-story waiting to be made, to their benefit no less, after the Coyotes were the ones who fell on their sword and suffered the indignity of the NHL world's collective anger.

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Registered User
Jan 7, 2013
Columbus, Ohio
Given what was just released from Akim Aliu from the Hockey Diversity Alliance, everyone speaking in that show should be Punished for spreading such BS. The victim asked for this to be released according by to the HDA.

View attachment 605508

It’s heartbreaking what the victim went through and made even worse what he’s currently going through. “Not racially motivated” my ass.
This whole thing is just totally wild. Why the hell would Eustace King come on and say everything wasn’t reported factually and then he’s basically disproven. Dude just ruined credibility for himself and possibly his agency. Miller is doomed and rightfully so.
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May 21, 2003
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Future Authoress.
Sep 12, 2011
St. Louis, Missouri
Here is the other side of the Mitchel Miller Issue.

3rd party story.

This is local to me, so I figured I would share. I know Mitchell's parents and I know the Summer.

Horseshit. Speaking as if Isaiah "didn't have a disability" to contrast with her daughter. Horse-f***ing-shit to that. That's as blatantly ableist as it gets, saying that one illness is worse or better than someone else's. I have autism, I'm in a wheelchair, but even I can still realize that comparing and contrasting illnesses to see which one is more so "disabled", even if it doesn't seem like it, is f***ing horseshit.

I apologize if I seem harsh, I apologize for insulting your friends, but this shit is what enables the same people - yes, people; Mitchell Miller has a bunch of people attacking Isaiah online - to hurt people who aren't like them. It's horseshit to contrast because Isaiah may not seem as disabled as her niece; FAS is still a real disability.
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