Around the NHL 2022-2023 *Mod warning in effect pg145

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Registered User
Dec 5, 2016
I think it's good, at least in the sense that it's better than having expansion teams come in and be dreadful. Vegas is an extreme example given they have an argument for most successful team in the conference since they joined, but I think it's good that expansion teams aren't outright putrid anymore. Ditto for Seattle having a nice little run -- not to the same extent of Vegas of course -- provides something for fans to buy in to. If they had two straight awful years and the enthusiasm wanes, I don't think that's a good outcome, either. Vegas has also been relentless in their pursuit of elite talent when it becomes available and if their success forces more teams in the league to do that I also consider that a win.

As for the LTIR stuff, I simply don't care. That seems to put me in a minority based off main board threads and here, but it's there to be exploited. If a team finds themselves in a position to take advantage of it they absolutely should. Until the league and PA want to/actually do change it, that's the game.
No I agree that if those are the rules, then you should use them to your advantage, but personally I do care about the outcomes when teams do this. Florida, Vegas, Tampa, and im sure there are a few other teams to use this tactic and see results. If the Blues did it and won, I obviously wouldn’t be as vocal about it, but I’d still think it were a problem. But like you said, until they fix it, teams are and probably should abuse the cap.


Trade Jordan Kyrou ASAP | ALWAYS RIGHT
Apr 5, 2014
dang tkachuk played g3 and g4 with a broken sternum.

kyrou wouldnt even play through a broken nail.
  • Haha
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Registered User
Apr 24, 2014
At first I wasn't sure, but turns out Vegas did use the loophole. They finished the season 14 mil over the cap. So in this case having 2 teams use this, among other teams who used it trying to win, it should definitely be fixed.
$11.9M of that $14M LTIR total was from Lehner, Weber, and Patrick who played a combined 0 games in the regular season or the playoffs. There is just no way to describe utilizing LTIR for those dollars as a loophole. Putting guys with zero chance of playing for you at any point in the year is the undisputed purpose of LTIR. We can debate whether using it for guys who return is a loophole or not, but using it for guys who are done for the year and not even with the team on a day-to-day basis is for sure not a loophole.

Now, they did have Stone on the LTIR until the start of the playoffs and then brought him back once playoffs started. They did benefit for sure. But the $14M over the cap number is very, very misleading about the cost of their playoff roster vs the cap. FWIW, the 20 guys they dressed in the playoffs fit under the cap every night. If the league were going to combat this practice, forcing your 20 man roster to be cap compliant each night would be the only way to do it without completely changing how the salary cap is calculated.

Stone had a 2nd back surgery mid-season. He had been trying to rehab the back before the first surgery, the first surgery didn't fix the issue and he was in and out of the lineup with pain. I just don't see him returning for playoffs as an issue.


reckless optimism
Jun 9, 2015
Dude. Do you not still see me complaining about Pronger being dealt?:laugh: It's a noble request, but it's never going to happen.

The day after Pietrangelo hoists another Cup is exactly when you should expect to see the bitching in fullest. And if he wins another one in the future, I'm sure you'll hear more about the Blues butchering negotiations.

Pronger was considerably better than Pietrangelo and didn't actually pack up his shit and run off to a new city the second FA started. He did not want to leave, Pietrangelo chose to leave. There's a big difference so it's understandable to still be bitter about Pronger.


Registered User
Dec 3, 2007
The Blues would have beat the Avs last year until Binnington got hurt. Last I knew Pietrangelo doesn't play goal so we would have still been stuck with Husso in net and that ended our playoff hopes. Also, I guess you didn't hear but Pietrangelo said on an interview he wanted to go somewhere to have a chance to compete. Or more to the point, he chose to leave. Armstrong did not "let him go". So everyone can get off of Armstrongs balls now.

I mean we kind of did that exact same thing didn't we?
Kind of is not really the same as did it. I mean Petro was arguably the biggest contributor to that team's success and he was a #4 overall pick. Erik Johnson obviously wasn't on the roster, but we still benefit from assets acquired from his selection. And picking #1 there underscores that just tanking once isn't good enough, you probably need multiple of those high picks because even a #1 pick isn't a guaranteed star in most years.

Vegas did have I think pick #6 in their first year and a few other top 15 picks, so they did benefit from at least a few high selections, but not on the level of any of the other teams who have won in the past 15 years, including the Blues.

Our Blues Cup winner was comparable to this Vegas team in many ways, though, for sure, both in terms of how they were constructed and in how they were built. Vegas has some star players, sure, but in many ways they were also a "death by a thousand cuts" type team. They're actually one of the only teams who might have been even more balanced than the Blues Cup winner in terms of player deployment. Petro lead both teams in ice time among skaters in the playoffs, but he had 25:45 ATOI for us and only 23:25 for Vegas. There were almost 30 players who average more time on ice than Petro during these playoffs. The Blues relied on having one of Petro or Parayko on the ice for 50 minutes a game, but Vegas actually rolled all three of their defense pairings. Both us and Vegas rolled four forward lines and received positive contributions from the fourth line. Almost every other playoff team treats fourth line ice time as something to be entirely minimized.

So yeah. There are certainly similarities and the Blues, before Vegas, are the team that has relied on "tank level" draft choices the least in building a Cup team, but I don't think Armstrong would have taken us there without benefiting from some of those tank years. Maybe the expansion draft is kind of a proxy for it with the way Vegas played it, but either way, there are similarities and differences. Hopefully Armstrong can use our three picks this year as a launchpad to get into a similar place without needing a few more tank years. I'm not expecting it, but... I won't ignore the possibility.


Registered User
Mar 6, 2014
Central Florida
The amount of Petro simping going on around here is absurd. He left, people need to get over it. There is a reason few players spend their entire career with one team. Petro only cares about Petro, he doesn't give two shits about the Blues or their fans.

The amount of Petro vitriol is even more absurd. People are calling him a piece of shit, greedy, a baby. You likened him to an adulterer. People really got their feeling s hurt by his leaving and are taking expressing it to a very unhealthy degree.

I don't think it's unreasonable for the "simps" to say Petro is a great D, the team misses him and he was important to Vegas' cup run. Especially when he lead both our team and Vegas in ice time both to the Stanley Cup. It's patently ridiculous not to say these things.

For the most part, the "simps" would not talk about Petro nearly as much if not for the vitriol spewed by the jealous and jilted on the board.

This needs to be pinned to the top of every page of every thread on this board.

We should pin an out-of-context misquote on every page of the board? Seems dumb to me. He never said he wanted to GO somewhere to compete. He wanted to BE somewhere to compete. That may seem like semantics, but it is important. Go implies leaving one place and going to another. Be just implies where he is. He could leave St. Louis or stay and still BE somewhere he could contend.

Further, the context of the quote, as @Brian39 points out in another thread, is as to why he chose Vegas over Toronto after free agency opened. It has nothing to do with why he didn't sign with St. Louis before free agency opened.


reckless optimism
Jun 9, 2015
The amount of Petro vitriol is even more absurd. People are calling him a piece of shit, greedy, a baby. You likened him to an adulterer. People really got their feeling s hurt by his leaving and are taking expressing it to a very unhealthy degree.

I don't think it's unreasonable for the "simps" to say Petro is a great D, the team misses him and he was important to Vegas' cup run. Especially when he lead both our team and Vegas in ice time both to the Stanley Cup. It's patently ridiculous not to say these things.

For the most part, the "simps" would not talk about Petro nearly as much if not for the vitriol spewed by the jealous and jilted on the board.

We should pin an out-of-context misquote on every page of the board? Seems dumb to me. He never said he wanted to GO somewhere to compete. He wanted to BE somewhere to compete. That may seem like semantics, but it is important. Go implies leaving one place and going to another. Be just implies where he is. He could leave St. Louis or stay and still BE somewhere he could contend.

Further, the context of the quote, as @Brian39 points out in another thread, is as to why he chose Vegas over Toronto after free agency opened. It has nothing to do with why he didn't sign with St. Louis before free agency opened.

The thing is, none of us cared that he left until we had to deal with the f***ing simps every day for like 2 f***ing years now not shutting the f*** up about him and how Armstrong f***ed us. Not a single one of us have ever denied he's a good Dman and better than anyone we currently have. But it's sickening to have to deal with this incessant whining about something that can NEVER be undone. Shut the f*** and worry about what we do have and how it can be fixed. No, all we get is wah Armstrong hurt Pietrangelo's feelings and by proxy also my feelings.

Reality Czech

Registered User
Apr 17, 2017
It must hurt to have been so outspoken on the other forum Tim/Pierre and have to sit there and watch this go down as such an Armstrong fan. You were always extremely wrong about Pietrangelo. And unsurprisingly when you are shown to be wrong you just have a gripe at the guy. it is pitiful.

The bottom line is everyone who ever bought into the "Tempurangelo" and "Captain Creampuff" stuff are fools and clowns. Like, legitimate imbeciles. I think they might be potatoes.

I rarely use the "show ignored content" button, but did so in this case. That's hilarious if you think I'm Tim or Pierre from the other forum. I did actually use to post on the other forum, probably the only Prague-based Blues fan around. Shouldn't be hard to figure out if you've been visiting the asylum long enough.

To be honest, I've only exaggerated the Petro criticism because of how annoying it is to hear people bring it up on a daily basis as if there is any point to that. Of course he's a great player, but my loyalty towards a player ends the moment he chooses to leave St. Louis for greener pastures. The narrative that Petro so badly wanted to stay, but that big ol' meanie Armstrong wouldn't bow down and give him everything he wanted is so played out. Petro isn't some magician that can win Stanley Cups by himself, and he clearly wasn't 100% committed to staying here.

And yeah I'm an Armstrong fan. I look at his total body of work and recognize that he has done FAR more good for this franchise than bad. People wanna bring up the same couple of things over and over again yet seem to give the guy little credit for building the team that brought us our first Cup. He's pretty much universally praised by his peers regardless of what a couple of bitter fans think. All teams lose good players to free agency from time to time, it's the nature of the business. Get over it.

So now I will go back to ignoring you, Majority and a few others because you guys showed your true colors long ago.

TK 421

Barbashev eats babies pass it on
Sep 12, 2007


Trade Jordan Kyrou ASAP | ALWAYS RIGHT
Apr 5, 2014
I rarely use the "show ignored content" button, but did so in this case. That's hilarious if you think I'm Tim or Pierre from the other forum. I did actually use to post on the other forum, probably the only Prague-based Blues fan around. Shouldn't be hard to figure out if you've been visiting the asylum long enough.

To be honest, I've only exaggerated the Petro criticism because of how annoying it is to hear people bring it up on a daily basis as if there is any point to that. Of course he's a great player, but my loyalty towards a player ends the moment he chooses to leave St. Louis for greener pastures. The narrative that Petro so badly wanted to stay, but that big ol' meanie Armstrong wouldn't bow down and give him everything he wanted is so played out. Petro isn't some magician that can win Stanley Cups by himself, and he clearly wasn't 100% committed to staying here.

And yeah I'm an Armstrong fan. I look at his total body of work and recognize that he has done FAR more good for this franchise than bad. People wanna bring up the same couple of things over and over again yet seem to give the guy little credit for building the team that brought us our first Cup. He's pretty much universally praised by his peers regardless of what a couple of bitter fans think. All teams lose good players to free agency from time to time, it's the nature of the business. Get over it.

So now I will go back to ignoring you, Majority and a few others because you guys showed your true colors long ago.
creampuff won the cup all by himself again, thats why he has 2 conn smythes and a wall of norris trophies to his name.

Stupendous Yappi

Idiot Control Now!
Aug 23, 2018
Erwin, TN
This+. Plus I think you are replying to the resident troll on the other board who is abscessed with the departed Petro. Me, I think he is o.k but certainly not best in any decade including tis one!
Lol at the totally apt typo. The way you said it was more descriptive!

This board used to be fun.
I’m not going to complain, but I also noticed things seem more adversarial than they used to be, and I find myself less and less engaged in the discussion.

The board will probably be more fun when the Blues are winning, but not for everyone.


Registered User
Aug 5, 2011
Lol at the totally apt typo. The way you said it was more descriptive!

I’m not going to complain, but I also noticed things seem more adversarial than they used to be, and I find myself less and less engaged in the discussion.

The board will probably be more fun when the Blues are winning, but not for everyone.
I don't mind the losing, as weird as that sounds, because there are other things to discuss that can focus on the future of the team. Prospect talk and draft talk are why I come to this forum in particular. There are plenty of good insights and I am a draft nerd.

It's just a silly game that people invested a lot of money in. It's a nice outlet for frustrations without fear of actually affecting your life. I hope people realize that soon so the maturity can come back a tad.


reckless optimism
Jun 9, 2015
Lol at the totally apt typo. The way you said it was more descriptive!

I’m not going to complain, but I also noticed things seem more adversarial than they used to be, and I find myself less and less engaged in the discussion.

The board will probably be more fun when the Blues are winning, but not for everyone.

I wish people would stop attacking our players and pining after ones that left. Stop rooting for a player and root for your team, you know? Blues fan first and foremost and all players come after that.


Registered User
Mar 6, 2014
Central Florida
Seriously, still, talking about the guy that decided to leave? Some of you posters can defend him all you want, and Pie will never be like, "Hey HF Blues Board poster who is defending my honor, come hang out at the pool at my mansion in NV."

He left, get over it, or don't, and continue to be insufferable.

The same can be said for the other side. Armstrong is never going to say "Hey HF Blues poster who is defending me by calling a former Blues Captain a piece of shit. Thank you. Please come hang out at my mansion in Wyndown-Skinker."

He left, get over it, or don't and continue to act like a jilted ex-lover.

Also, this is the Around the NHL thread. It's meant to talk about players who are not Blues. When a former Blue plays a major part in the team he left us for's cup, one should expect it to be a topic. If ROR went beast mode and dragged Toronto to the cup, we would be talking about how much we'd offer him to re-sign and would he take a team friendly deal.
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reckless optimism
Jun 9, 2015
The same can be said for the other side. Armstrong is never going to say "Hey HF Blues poster who is defending me by calling a former Blues Captain a piece of shit. Thank you. Please come hang out at my mansion in Wyndown-Skinker."

He left, get over it, or don't and continue to act like a jilted ex-lover.

Also, this is the Around the NHL thread. It's meant to talk about players who are not Blues. When a former Blue plays a major part in the team he left us for's cup, one should expect it to be a topic. If ROR went beast mode and dragged Toronto to the cup, we would be talking about how much we'd offer him to re-sign and would he take a team friendly deal.

The 2 are not the same. One left, one was traded without asking to be mind you. Maybe if this was the only thread, sure I could see it but it's not the only thread.
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