Joonas Donskoi joutui kesällä lyömään luistimet naulaan lukuisten aivotärähdystensä vuoksi. Hiljalleen vaikeat oireet ja uran loppumisen tuoma harmitus ovat jäämässä unholaan.
Article about Donskoi. He retired from hockey because concussion issues. He talks about his injury history and other things, retirement and some talk about Avalanche.
He says he never felt the same after the 2019 concussion, this is before he signed four year contract with the Avalanche. He didn't wait long enough to recover properly from the concussion and after that it always bothered him a bit.
Just thinking about that.. maybe we should have sat out Byram long too after his concussions etc. don't mess with concussions. They can end careers.