Their problem right now is not really Ceci, or Barrie, or Kulak. If those guys were their 3/4/5 playing like they are right now, their defense would be fine.
They have a goalie who has continued his run of poor play for a full calendar year now. Fortunately they have a young guy who is stepping up in his place right now.
They don't have a top pairing at all. Nurse is sometimes good, but hardly enough for 9 mill and can be really bad far too often too. The rest of their guys are nowhere near even #2 caliber.
Bouchard and Broberg are complete disasters and bring down any pairing they are on, so EDM is lucky to have one functioning pairing per night.
And pretty much their entire forward group, including their two superstar players, do not know the first thing about defense.
They are a team that needs to take a swing at Chychrun. Give up Broberg, Puljujarvi, and your first for him, if not another 2nd in there too. It is a lot of upside but both of those young guys are struggling right now and I doubt ARI is going to turn down a couple of young former top picks and a first in a deep draft.
It won't solve all of EDM's problems, but at least it gives them a guy with the potential to boost the top end of their defense and be a #2 (although likely on a different pairing than Nurse). Nurse needs to play better. Bouchard needs to play better. Chychrun needs to stay healthy. If that happens, then maybe they can see some semblance of improvement in the team.