Every single time you post, you show how much of a clown you are. Your defense of Wilson is insane. Parros needs to go because of a history of terrible calls, much like Wilson deserved a suspension because of a history of terrible plays. This is just another one to add on to the pile.
I've run out of rope for Wilson. He injures multiple guys every single year. When he ends someone's career, will we be surprised? Probably not. What if it's Byfield, or Vilardi, or Bjornfot? Will we be wondering if there was anything more that could have been done?
I'm just not okay with Wilson' actions anymore. They're consistently indefensible. The league got this one wrong, bottom line.
Clutch those pearls tighter.
There are actions that draw penalties in-game with some actions being worse than others. When they rise to a certain level, there is further discipline doled out via fines and/or suspensions.
Yes, Wilson has a history of incidents that rise to that certain level but, hate to break it to you, his history is the only damn reason there was even a fine for this incident as nobody would care if it wasn't a high profile villain and a high profile superstar involved.
They can't pre-emptively kick a guy out of the league as much as you'd like them to do so. The hate Wilson crowd is a loud majority and I completely understand why as the Dryden's have won and those NHL fans that cut their teeth over the last 15 years might agree that what they witnessed last night was "horrific". Outside of saying how myself and thousands of others now actually care about tomorrow's Caps/Rangers game, I'm not here to argue about if the game is better now or not as it is obvious that us "clowns" have it wrong and "progress" is always correct.
What I will say, however, is that the NHL is a f***ing entertainment business and this sport is infinitely better when it has villains like Tom Wilson, Matthew Tkachuk, Marchand etc. Do they bring an element of risk to the health and safety of other players? Sure, but so do slapshots, Kevin Fiala and Chandler Stephenson. Can't complain much about the slapshots but did you feel warm and fuzzy about the latter two and their little suspensions with the Kings doing nothing about it? Would you have felt better if they were suspended all season since what they did was far more egregious than what we saw from Wilson last night?
What if it's Byfield, Vilardi or Bjornfot? Well that would sure suck but I can't protect every Kings player by banning every mean player from the league unless they earn it. You can argue that Wilson has already earned it if you'd like, and that's fine, but asking for it after last night's incident is highly reactionary and a submission to mob mentality.