My girlfriend’s idiot mother got caught up in a ponzi scheme despite my warnings that it was exactly that. Now the company has 6 lawsuits against it and its assets have been frozen. She put a ton of money into it and has no access to it. She’s coming out of retirement to look for jobs to make ends meet until its resolved, no idea how much if any she’ll get back.
Her sister (my gf’s aunt) also put a ton of money in it, and now isn't sure how she’s gonna make her house payments. Its a shit show.
Part of me wants to rant at them for not listening to me, part of me feels bad for not being able to convince them the whole thing was shady.
It doesnt really affect my gf or I, we’re not being pressured to help out or anything, and I doubt we would be. Just kinda surreal to have the kinda crap you read about in the news hit sorra close to home.