Can someone convert this into Don Cherry for me, please?
Well ya know, wasn't gonna say it <voice rising>, wasn't gonna say it <vocce crescendo, pounds desk with fist>, but even this here Line-eh (big fella, did I get the name right?) you know, isn't as tough or durable as yer sundry saskatchewan kid, he did ok in that year before he smashed up his collarbone. Oh now yer lookin at me: would I put em in at Center - hell no, HELL NO, I wouldn't do that! Kids a natural winger, he's gotta shot too, thats what, off the charts with that, but his BIGGEST PROBLEM is ADDATUDE..If he gets that figgered out then look out oh boy. Maybe our Sault St Marie boy there, uh, Paul, wasn't the right guy to get that done, but oh boy 44 goals in THIS LEAGUE is nothing like ta sneeze at.