I can see him going to NXT, but I'd imagine the pitch was from a production standpoint, not a wrestling standpoint.
Essentially, "You're not here to run the ropes and learn holds, you're here to learn where our cameras are, and where you need to be for us to shoot you the best."
As far as I can recall, since NXT started, AJ is the only guy who has never worked for WWE that completely bypassed NXT, and he had a decade of work in TNA. I can see them doing a KO-like stint with Okada where he gets just enough time in there to learn WWE's production and then goes to the main roster.
I personally wouldn't start him in NXT, but I could see it making some sense if he's moving with his family. Going immediately into the main roster touring schedule might be rough with a wife+toddler making the adjustment too.
But it looks like there's some reports refuting the NXT rumor already.