Confirmed with Link: All-Purpose "Days of Our Meruelo" Talk


Danila Yurov Fan Club President
Dec 10, 2012
Why would Ishbia be buying this team? I thought Morgan tweeted the players were told they are off to SLC. I've had a busy day, and I'm just sitting down now to try to digest everything so maybe I'm missing something here.

I know as much as you do, I just said I hope it happens because it's better than moving them to Utah


Registered User
Aug 18, 2016
Chandler, AZ
I never trusted this shady f*** of an owner for one minute. Tried to tell you guys numerous times it wouldn't end well.

The whole thing died for me when they left Glendale. I'm hanging onto those fond memories of $4 tickets and sneaking into luxury suites the last 5 seasons they played there. Great times.

The Feckless Puck

Registered Loser
Oct 26, 2006
I'm not going to say you deserve it, but what I will say is that the reason we're here right now is precisely because of the die hard fans. This is a situation that should have been put out of its misery over a decade ago. But the diehard fans, the NHL, local governments, dupes for owners, you all kept fighting the inevitable, and it just made it worse and worse. There was never going to be a happy ending in this situation. There just wasn't. It was always going to end this way. It just took 10 years of misery to finally get here.

So you're blaming us for this. Got it. You're pathetic.


Registered User
Feb 23, 2019

Winning the land auction is relatively small potatoes compared to the $3 Billion figure now being kicked around as the development cost. There is no infrastructure whatsoever on the site, other than the nearby freeway. That’s a huge upfront cost with no offsetting revenue in the near term. Money is expensive right now. The cost of construction in Arizona is through the roof.

I’d like to see the team stay in town but getting this deal done and paid for in three years just seems highly unrealistic. The league may be willing to guarantee a future franchise and make Meruelo whole in exchange for solving a today problem.
I agree. Losing the team should not affect the massive construction job. If they cancel the entire project now? I will question how serious they were. The arena was just one part of the plan. There is no reason the construction should not go ahead still.


Let it burn
Mar 30, 2010
Glendale, Arizona
It's telling that the people I've had to ignore so far have all had "HabsFan" in their username...
Reminds me of the season I had to watch that French guy be the worst #1 center in the league. I think I had my season tickets during the worst 5 seasons of this team's existence. Thank God for alcohol and the fact that I lived right across the street or I probably would be dead or in jail right now.

I'm really disappointed @moosemeister left before I could rip on him more for losing the team. That's some bush league shit right there!


Registered User
Feb 16, 2012
Sucks obviously. I actually don’t mind the drip drip treatment over the past few days — rather that than a hard and sudden slap to the face following the season ender. But, also weirdly unsettling following this 15-year battle. Easier for me to say not being in market obviously.

AM and XG, just shameful. It didn’t have to happen this way. Friends, find some solace in that they can take our team but they can’t take our community.

Pompeius Magnus

Registered User
May 18, 2014
Kanata ,ON
Just wanted to drop by one last time to say I'm truly, deeply sorry for you guys. I kept believing and being positive and now I'm at a complete lost for words :help: You all made me feel welcomed for this past year and I've had a lot of fun interacting with all of you. I just hope this doesn't turn you all off this great sport, as that would truly be the biggest shame in it all. The people here are as good a fanbase and as deserving of a team as you'll find anywhere, and I just hope you'll get your day at some point in the future, even if it's no consolation right now. Much love to you guys in this crapy situation ♥️


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