Punk was absolutely in the wrong for saying what he said when he said it. It was clearly a "f*** it, I have enough and I know I will be out a long time" move. Completely selfish and should absolutely get him suspended/fired.
The Elite acted like god damn idiots by confronting him right then and there. They are executives in the company, they should have let the situation diffuse before addressing it. They do that, it probably never gets physical. When you are in a position of power, you are supposed to be held to higher standards. They decided to be selfish and go "talk" to Punk right away. Acted on emotions.
So, the guys who are responsible for the situation escalating when it could have been diffused come back, are put in a prime angle and MAKE FUN of the guy they had a conflict with. I mean, unless it is a work, it should not be acceptable. If they only did it in Chicago to get MORE heat because they knew they would be booed anyway, fair enough. If they keep doing it, that's another story.