a few full games.
rt said:
"Which world championship game was his most impressive? Or which two or three? I have a bunch DVRd but am running out of time to watch before the draft."
"Kind of depends what you are looking for. Here is what I thought of his games:
1) He was very good against Great Britain. Basically the only German player that played well in that game, but the level of competition (no offense intended to Great Britain) was not that high.
2) He was good against Denmark, but did not stand out as much.
3) Really good against France, I would recommend this one.
4) I thought he was a little bit weaker against Slovakia, if you disregard the level of competition. Considering how much better Slovakia played compared to the teams Germany and Seider had faced before, his performance was still pretty impressive until he got injured in the 3rd period. This caused him to miss the remaining 3 games in the preliminary round vs. Canada, USA and Finland. Overall I would also recommend this one.
5) Unfortunately I missed a significant portion of the quarterfinal vs. Czech Republic, but during the parts I did see, I was extremely impressed, because Seider seemed not to miss a beat after missing the three previous games and managed to hold his own against the strongest opponent he personally faced during the tournament.
So I would also recommend this game.
I hope this helps a little to make your choice."
"I've never lost a game. I just ran out of time." - Michael Jordan
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