Is that sarcastic? Or have you not seen some of his snipes?Buch snipes?
No. It's a lineup full of middle six guys and a couple of true bottom six guys. We have no true 1st line. Nash is the closest thing we have to a real 1st liner. Buch shows flashes of brilliance, and Zib can be fantastic, but I wouldn't call them true all around 1st liners.This team ****ing blows. It's a lineup of 3rd liners.
He has a long way to goI'm not seeing "bona-fide 1st liner" from Buch so far, there's glimpses of talent, but not enough
With our luck, we'll finish 28th in the league and get bumped down to 8th overall due to the lottery.Its frustrating how AV is destroying this team even further, but we might get the 1st overall pick out of it, so maybe not so bad.
Yeah I wouldnt bank on that with the new lottery system lolIts frustrating how AV is destroying this team even further, but we might get the 1st overall pick out of it, so maybe not so bad.
Whats the actual logistics of AV being fired? Is this going to happen